Council on Aging Holds November Meeting

Holliston Senior Center Board on a Red Color Background
CoA Chair Bob Malone

Holliston’s Council on Aging met recently held its November meeting via Zoom. Chair Bob Malone called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm.  He opened with a roll call of members (shown below).

Along with Linda Marshall, Senior Center Director, Marty Schneier, Outreach Coordinator and Bryan Perkins, new Sr. Ctr. Asst. Director joined the meeting (bottom center on the ‘tic-tac-toe’ screen).  It is worth noting that Marty and Bryan used the newly acquired A-V equipment purchased with CARES Act funds to allow the Center to conduct virtual sessions for seniors.

Mr. Malone opened the meeting with sad news, announcing the passing of Ralph Stover.  Ralph was very active in many facets of life in Holliston. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Director Marshall (below) gave her report.  Here are highlights:

Senior Center Director Linda Marshall
  • John Gagnon is repairing the Sr. Ctr kitchen cabinets
  • The Senior Center was awarded a $16,500 grant from MetroWest Health to acquire tablet computers for use by Holliston seniors.  Tech assistants will be recruited to help new users get familiar with these devices.
  • Ms. Marshall has applied for a $30,000 grant from MAPC for transportation.  If received, the money would be used to supplement the current van driver costs and expand transportation services for Holliston seniors.
  • A new Phone-a-friend program is being organized by the Center.  Contact Bryan or Marty for details.
  • The Drive-up Thanksgiving meal on November 23rd has 126 people signed up with space for more.  We know that Linda Marshall loves a party and if the people can’t come to the party, “we’ll bring the party to them!”  The Holliston Newcomers and Neighbors are providing the desserts for this.  The Holliston Cultural Council is sponsoring the entertainment following the meal thanks to HCAT.
  • The annual Holiday Luncheon catered by Oliva’s will be held December 16th with dessert sponsored by the Holliston Police Association.  Contact the Center for details.
  • Senior Center Van Driver (and all-around help) Debbie Dupuis will receive a Select Board Humanitarian Award for her caring, compassion, and consideration for others.
  • The Center remains open by appointment and it now more important than ever for seniors to stay connected.
  • Over $1,000 has been received through memorial gifts for Jeri Chartrand and Gloria Marshall

In other business:

  • Marty Schneier reported that her Grief and Loss session via Zoom worked well.
  • Chair Malone shared that the Select Board and Town Administrator Ahern are very supportive of the work done by / through the Senior Center
  • The Council approved three requests to the Senior Support Foundation for funds to cover expenses for upcoming events.

Chair Malone wished all members a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

The next Council meeting is planned for December 9, 2020 at 1:00 pm.

The November meeting adjourned at 1:27 pm

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