Library Trustees’ February 2022 Meeting

The Holliston Library Trustees (LT) met on Wednesday, February 2, at 7 PM.  The remote meeting was called to order by Chair Karla Alfred.  Library Director Leslie McDonnell steered the Trustees through an agenda that included a COVID mitigation as well as updates of several topics of interest to the general public.

McDonnell’s (above) COVID account focused on face masks and other mitigation strategies.  At a Tuesday, February 1, 2022, meeting of the Board of Health, members of the board voted to implement a mask advisory effective February 2, 2022.  McDonnell reported that Holliston Youth and Family Services and the Senior Center were maintaining the mask mandate, and she suggested the Library adhere to the former mandate at least until the next Trustees’ meeting in March.  Reasons for her recommendation included good compliance from the visiting public, parents’ support for the mandate, compliance of all staff, the advent of the cold and flu season, and the upcoming February vacation.  The Library Trustees voted unanimously in favor maintaining their present mask mandate, and the group will revisit the topic in March.  The building is being sprayed with a disinfectant nightly Monday through Friday, and McDonnell reported that there have been no adverse effects to the spray.

Progress in the hiring of a new Library Director given the announced retirement of McDonnell in June is advancing.  McDonnell is sending paperwork to Assistant Town Administrator Kathleen Buckley, who will share this work with Town Administrator Travis Ahern.  McDonnell reported that there is one internal candidate, Jennifer Carlson, the present Children’s Librarian. 

In process is the application for a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant of $10,000 for the purpose of expanding the children’s play area, refurbishing the train table, and adding children’s programs and materials.  Carlson is serving as the Project Director of the application.  McDonnell and Carlson are researching “how children learn through play,” and have visited the Waltham Children’s Library that previously received funding from a LSTA grant.  The completed application is due in April 2022, with awardees notified in June and work to begin in October.  McDonnell also said that she hopes an Equity/Diversity/Inclusion component of the grant will attract present non-library users.

McDonnell shared a document “Client Advisory: Division of Open Government Hands Down New Interpretation of Exception for Open Body Quorums Attending Meeting with Another Public Body,” received from Town Clerk Elizabeth Greendale.  In a brief explanation of the decision, McDonnell explained that a violation of the Open Meeting Law occurs when a visiting quorum of members of board or committee attend the meeting of another board or committee, even if the visitors do not communicate among or between themselves.  Greendale wanted to be sure members of all Boards and Committees received this information.  The solution to the situation is for the visiting board/committee to post this meeting and record minutes.

Library Trustees’ Chair Karla Alfred

Friends of the Library continue to support the Library despite its not holding fundraisers.  In thinking about potential purchases, members of the LT suggested focusing on the teen space, looking at Nintendo usage, Young Adult (YA) and graphic novels.  Alfred suggested McDonnell publicize that the Library is open after school, and students in grades 3 and older are allowed to be in the Library without their parents. 

Member Kristi Wiwczar reminded the LT that nomination papers are presently available at the Town Hall.  Trustee Bob Ostrow announced he will not pursue another term, so this will leave the Trustees with at least one vacancy.  McDonnell will send an email to those who had previously been interviewed of the opening.  Other registered voters interested may pick up papers at the Town Hall. 

The 56-minute meeting adjourned with the next meeting planned for Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 7 PM.

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