Long Night, Several Meetings for School Committee

Holliston public schools

Thursday evening, February 3, 2022, provided a full schedule for the School Committee (SC). The night began with a 5-7 PM meeting to discuss “Special Needs,” followed by its 7 PM bi-monthly meeting, ending with an Executive Session for the purpose of Collective Bargaining.  The following information is extracted from the regularly scheduled 7 PM meeting, called to order by Chair Cynthia Listewnik at 7:03 PM in the Holliston High School Library.

Above:  Superintendent Dr. Susan Kustka (L) and SC Chair Cynthia Listewnik.

Minutes from the January 20, 2022, session were approved for posting.  Listewnik publicly thanked former Representative Carolyn Dykema for her contributions to and advocacy of education that serves all students.  “She leaves big shoes to fill,” said Listewnik.

Using an interactive white board, Keith Buday, Assistant Superintendent, (above photo) gave a brief presentation to the SC reviewing the Holliston Public School’s Budget Process. 

Student Representatives Lia Moran (Left above) and Ellie Currie (Right above) announced an “Eco-Friendly” prom dress and accessories sale at the HHS Cafeteria on February 7 at 6:30 PM.  The prom will be held on May 20 at Gillette Stadium.  Senior Showcase auditions will take place daily this coming week.  In sports, both the Men’s and the Women’s swim teams won in the Tri-Valley League. 

Matthew Baker, Athletics Director, called in to advocate for all spectators to return beginning on February 4.  Presently the spectator regulation during COVID allows only immediate family members.  As the winter venues are large, allowing for physical distancing, and masks are still required, Baker felt it appropriate to request the SC lift the present regulation and allow for masked spectators.  The SC voted unanimously (Stacey Raffi was absent) in favor of allowing this change.

Dr. Susan Kustka reported that 300 COVID test kits were distributed to staff last week.  Also, 1000 students opted in to receive test kits.  A family member must let the school know when a student tests positive for COVID.  Parents can still opt into pool testing in the schools.

Chair Listewnik reported signing the following warrants on behalf of the SC:  School Bills for $219,996.38 and $72,231.79, Activities Account replenishment request for $3,037.77 and a direct payment warrant for $5,050.  The meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM to its Executive Session for Collective Bargaining.

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