Library Trustees Meet with a MA Board of Library Commission’s Building Representative

The Library Trustees’ January 4, 2023, meeting began with a presentation by Andrea Bono-Bunker (photo above), MA Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) Library Building Specialist, to apprise the group of new regulations concerning Building Grants for 2024.  With all Trustees present, as well as Library staff and Holliston Facilities Director James Keast, a lively discussion ensued.

Beginning in February 2023, the new grant round of the MA Public Library Construction Program (MPLCP) will begin.  The MPLCP works with communities to plan, build, renovate, and expand their public libraries.  (See also its website: MBLC) An October 2022 Town Meeting vote awarded the Library $12,000 for a building study, prompting Library Director Deric Wilson to extend an invitation to Bono-Bunker to explore how to better align a study with grant requirements. 

The MPLCP has independent review teams who evaluate community, financial and facility needs.  All options—from a renovation of an existing building to new construction—are explored by evaluators.  One option that garnered some intrigue with the Trustees was a “shared building project,” whereby only dedicated library space would be supported. The question of potential use for Holliston’s Carnegie Library was of interest to the Trustees.  Bono-Bunker said that Carnegie Libraries may also be used to house— for example—a Historical Society, a museum, or other sites fitting particular parameters.  The goal is to develop sustainable libraries that would last at least 30 years. The “layering” of grants is also possible, as support from, for example, Green Community grants or the MA Cultural Council could be added to the MPLCP grant. 

Bono-Bunker reviewed the newly revised timeline for the grant cycle.  February 2023, applications are due in May 2024, and must be accompanied by approval from the community’s May Town Meeting. These include:

  1. A vote to approve application submission and to accept money, and
  2. To appropriate funding.  This grant round would go into construction in 2027-28. The newly revised timeline has been shortened by 2 years. Grants will be capped at 50%, so municipalities must allocate 50% or more toward the project.

Following Bono-Bunker’s presentation, the Trustees heard Wilson’s Director’s report for December.  Wilson said remote programs were well attended.  The Trustees voted to approve a revised Mobile Beacon Hotspot Lending Policy. Wilson is presently working on the FY24 Budget, exploring an increase in staffing, and will present the Budget to the Trustees during their next meeting on February 1 for its approval. 

Chair Karla Alfred adjourned the meeting at 9:22 PM.  The next meeting is February 1, 2023.

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