Walk in Holliston during National Walking Week

From Beate Hait

In January 2020, the Board of Directors of the AVA: America’s Walking Club, declared the first seven days of April to be “National Walking Week,” which would include the traditional “National Walking Day” (first Wednesday in April) sponsored by the American Heart Association from 2007 to 2019.

On Saturday, April 1, the Walk ‘n Mass Volkssport Club invites walkers to join hundreds of walkers throughout the week in different communities across America to experience the excitement of the walking movement through fun, fitness and friendship. This is a free, walk-at-your-own pace, just-for-fun event in your own backyard.

The start point is the First Congregational Church, 725 Washington Street, Holliston MA. This event launches the club’s walking season, and participants are welcome to stay after walking for the club’s Soup Social. Register between 9:00 and 10:00 for the 10km route or before 11:00 for the 5km route. The walk times are staggered so that walkers will finish shortly before noon when the soups are served. If you would like to stay for the soup and contribute to the food offerings (no nut ingredients in this nut-free facility!) contact Bea (see info below).

The 10km walk is comprised of two loops, and the first loop, much of which is on flat, paved surfaces, comprises the 5km route. Walk through downtown before venturing into the Mudville neighborhood. A tribute to Casey at the Bat and Irish immigrants who originally settled Mudville will be seen before heading to Arch Street and walking under the 1-arch railroad bridge. Walkers then head up to the Upper Charles Rail Trail to a checkpoint at Coffee Haven before returning to the rail trail and over the 8-arch bridge. The second loop of the 10km route heads up Hollis Street to the high school and through a residential area before heading back along Washington Street. If conditions do not allow walking on the trail, an alternate route will be provided.

Volkssporting events sponsored by Walk ‘n Mass Volkssport Club—and more than 200 member clubs of AVA: America’s Walking Club nationwide, presenting more than 2,500 events each year—promote fun, fitness and friendship through non-competitive walking and biking events. There is also an achievement awards program through “AVA: America’s Walking Club” (see info at www.ava.org).

Questions? Contact Bea at beateh1@aol.com or 774-292-9098 or visit www.walknmass.org.  

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