The quarterly water bills were mailed out Wednesday, July 15, 2020. This bill reflects water usage for the period April – June 2020 and any arrears.
Bills are due in the Water Department office on Monday, August 17, 2020 by 4:30p.m. Bills paid after that date will receive a late charge of $10.00.
Anyone who has not received a water bill should contact the Water Department Office at 429-0603.
Payment can be mailed to Holliston Water Department, 703 Washington Street, left in the lock box located near the side door of Town Hall, or pay online at www.townofholliston.us
Thank you, Holliston Water Department
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The rate charged for water, as well as the “infrastructure charge” is outrageously high and damaging to families here in Holliston; especially with COVID, a deep recession, and many people working remotely from home or in home quarantine and therefore having to use water during the day. And I’m talking about normal or even minimal usage; no pool, no irrigation, no lawn sprinkling, one load of laundry per day. My family’s water bills have shot up since 2015 from water rates being too high and the added on “infrastructure” charge. It’s not about the people using less water; it’s about this town drastically lowering water rates and other fees for water on residential households so working families can cope. Costs are exploding upwards for all necessities, from food to electricity to childcare to water rates, etc. And then we’re supposed to try saving money for college or whatever. I hope I’m not the only one interested in reducing water charges in this town.