Don’t look now but the town’s 300th is just shy of two years away. The Celebrate Holliston Committee has already begun brainstorming for a year-long schedule of events. Penciled in are a Gala Ball in February, a St. Patrick’s Celebration in March, 300th parade in May, Laser Light Show and Baseball Tournament in July, August brings a Day at the Lake and Golf Tournament, October, a Horse Show and December a Jingle Bell Run and Anniversary Dinner/Dance. Of course, many of the yearly events held by local organizations will still take place, some under the banner of the 300th.
With the organizing committee looking for a few suggestions, here’s a few to help fill in the gaps. The Friends of the Community Farm recently held a bonfire event at the Community Farm on December 31st. Make that event, along with the 1st Night Rail Trail Walk a kickoff for the 300th activities. Ah, February. How about a Hans Brinker (yes everyone else I suggested it to said “Who”). Skating race? Here’s a hint:,_or_The_Silver_Skates
And what about an ice fishing derby? March, the committee has penciled in a St. Patrick’s Celebration. Over a quarter of the town has Irish roots. How about a St. Patrick’s breakfast. It’s on a Sunday in 2024. Jay Marsden as M.C., Ken Szajda sitting alone, and Rep. Carolyn Dykema singing an “Ode to the Mayor of Mudville” It’s been done before and who knew Carolyn couldn’t play the guitar. April, ah warmer weather. How about a Spring Fling (Stroll)?
Maybe the EDC (Economic Development Committee) could sponsor a Trade Fair or a Jobs Fair. Maybe a “Holliston” authors book signing at the library. July is carnival month for the Lions Club — fireworks?
The local Legion Post held a Laser Light Show last year at Goodwill. They’ve nodded their heads to a repeat July show in 2024. How about incorporating a sing-along prior to the show for the entire community? Here’s what I’m thinking:
August seems like a good month to have an antique machinery show. Teddy Valpey would be the contact person here. September would be a great month for a Firemen’s Parade and Muster. Mark “Sparky” Dellicker would be the man who could pull this off. Just think of the under 20’s who have never seen Holliston’s Hydrant 3. Back in the day, the Holliston Sportsmen’s Association ran a Clambake along with a skeet shooting competition, let’s bring it back for the year Rich Girvin.
Maybe as a Legacy Project we could rebalance Balancing Rock?? The possibilities are endless. Strawberry Festival anyone?
How about bringing Jo Dee Messina back to town? Anyone interested in forming a local chapter of the Brothers of the Brush or Centennial Belles?
Time is a wasting! Your ideas, suggestions, and thoughts are welcome in the comment section. Let’s give Celebrate Holliston a little help.
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What about a movie on the green with a blow up screen. What about a commemorative plate for the Tricentennial. An ornament for the Christmas tree. A calendar with photos of original old photos. With money made from the sales of items and funds banners for the streets.
So Carolyn has two years to learn how to play the guitar.
Hey Holliston!
We need and love volunteers! This is a huge event and we want it to be spectacular. If you have ideas or want to be part of planning and supporting the epic celebration, please attend the Celebrate Holliston annual meeting in March (date TBD). We look forward to hearing all your ideas in person and working with you on the 300th!
Thanks Bobby!!
How about recreating the local militiamen known as the “Rang De Dangs”
Ben – I see you’ve been reading JMB’s account. A recreated militia muster would be a blast. Do the waters of Hopping Brook still run clear enough to adequately dilute the rum?
We no longer live in Holliston but I remember with great joy the parade at the 275th. Our daughter was three and it was just so much fun. Have another parade!