When It’s Hot – Get the Ice Cream Out!

Holiston Reporter

Holliston’s Finest served up refreshing ice cream with all the toppings to the residents of Mission Springs on Wednesday, August 25th.

A full house was on hand to get a heaping helping of cool refreshment. The community room was full to capacity.

Also on hand were the members of the Senior Center Staff, Lisa Borchetta, Director (arriving after her ARPA meeting), Amanda Boralessa, Asst. Director (seen above standing in the purple top talking with residents), and Marty Schneier, Outreach and Transportation Coordinator (seen above back to us near the toppings table).

Holliston’s Police Department, shown in order of importance to the ice cream enjoyment process, are shown below.

Officer Dan Griffith (middle) kept the ice cream coming from the freezer. Officer
Hannah Ciavarra (left) and SGT Matt Waugh dished out all the ice cream that could fit in a cup.
Officer John Loftus and Dispatcher Liana Lodola poured on the toppings.
And we mean, poured on the toppings. Did you say extra sprinkles. Officer Loftus delivers.

Speaking of delivering. Below, Chief Matthew Stone was spotted delivering a sundae to Lewis Howe, who can’t wait to enjoy the treat before it melts!

Seeing a photo op, Patricia Gaudette (below) joined Chief Stone for a pic. Patricia is the mother of HPD’s Administrative Assistant Kelly O’Rourke.

If you have very good eyes, you probably saw Lt. George Leurini and Officer Tim Heney in the background. Lt. Leurini was seen taking photos too – hope none of me!

We learned too late that HPD served at a similar Ice Cream Social at Cole Court earlier in August. You can always count on HPD to be ready when it gets hot and sticky.

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2 thoughts on “When It’s Hot – Get the Ice Cream Out!

  1. It was a great time for all and want to Thank the Holliston Police Dept for treating us all everyone enjoyed even a few had seconds.

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