Where There’s A Need – There Are Lions!

Holliston Reporter

During this period of uncertainty, Lions Clubs across Massachusetts are struggling to find ways to continue to serve those who need help. In addition to the social distancing requirements, many of our Clubs, or individual Lions members are only too familiar with the devastation COVID-19 has wreaked on individual families and friends.

Couple this challenge with our inability to raise funds as we normally do, and these are certainly unprecedented times for all of us. However, when we recently received information from Milford Regional Hospital that they were in need of tablets to help families who were desperate to be in contact with family members while they were hospitalized, we took immediate action.

Sometimes it takes more than one!

Rather than just decide this was a project we could not accomplish on our own, Lions took matters into their own hands and determined the best way to help was to team up with other clubs. Presidents from the Mendon, Milford, Medway and Holliston Lions Clubs joined together with the District Governors from District 33A (which includes Mendon and Milford) and 33K (which includes Medway and Holliston) via a conference call and decided they would collectively fund the purchase of these tablets.

Left to right: Keith Gattozzi – Milford Lions, Doreen Martel – Holliston Lions.
Linda Reynolds – Medway Lions, (bottom) Mark Bucchino – Mendon Lions,
Colleen Oncay – District Governor 33A, Dawn Rice-Norton – District Governor 33K

Once we determined that between the four Lions Clubs and with additional funding from both District Governors, we were ready to go. We contacted Best Buy in Milford and ordered eight Samsung Tablets and had them loaded with Zoom and with Facebook. We also added a welcome screen!

Milford Regional Hospital

Here are the RNs, the real heroes, who will be using the tablets donated by the Lions Clubs. We’re proud of the work that we continue to do during this pandemic and we look forward to continuing to serve while we all adjust to the “new normal”.

(L-R) Chris Lague RN, Cheryl Hamel RN, Rosemary Cerqueira RN, John Beaton RN

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