Women’s March This Saturday

Holliston Reporter

Women from across the 8th Middlesex legislative district will come together in solidarity at a Women’s March on Hopkinton Common this Saturday, October 17, from 10-11:30am.

State Representative Carolyn Dykema will join women from Holliston, Hopkinton, Southborough and Westborough at a ‘strength in unity’ event to speak up for eight essential principles that make up the foundation of a more equitable and just world. Those principles are civil rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, worker’s rights, environmental justice, and ending violence. The March will include music and a brief speaking program.

The Women’s March in Hopkinton will occur simultaneously to Women’s Marches happening in cities and towns across the US in support of women’s rights, human rights and social justice. This year, the March will celebrate the historic legacy of the recently passed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as well as celebrate 100 years of progress relative to women’s rights, equality, and political voice. In Massachusetts, the date also marks the first day of early voting.

This event is non-partisan and open to all, regardless of gender. Masks and social-distancing are required to comply with public health guidelines. Only service dogs are permitted on the Common and parking will be available at Center School or on-street surrounding the Common. 

The organizers ask that attendees be respectful of local businesses in the area. This is an outdoor event and will be held weather permitting. 

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