Advanced Life Support (ALS)

The following was presented to the Select Board at their meeting on 09/16. Because I’m running behind on recaps, I wanted to share this information from Chief Cassidy.

I’m pleased to announce that earlier today, the fire department received notice that its Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service license application with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health – Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) has been approved. This license, along with the Massachusetts Controlled Substances Registration issued by the Drug Control Program allows our department to now order, store and use the medications required for us to deliver EMS patient care at the ALS level. Based on lead time for acquisition of the required pharmaceuticals, coupled with scheduling of ALS providers to regular weekly shifts, it is our plan to operate at the ALS service level starting on Monday, September 30, 2024.

I would like to express my appreciation for the vision and leadership of the Town Administrator, HR Director, and current and former Select Board members, who successfully brought this initiative to fruition. With the support of multiple Town Meetings, this milestone represents the culmination of the investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment, supplies, training, and station improvements; and a commitment to the recruitment and retention of pre-hospital providers at competitive pay rates. 

This ambulance service license upgrade could not have been possible without the hiring of Assistant Chief Brian Kelley, for whom this was one of the key milestones in the work plan developed by the board. His guidance, coupled with the day-to-day oversight and engagement of Deputies Alan Greendale and Michael Gulla have been instrumental in us achieving this license. 

Lastly, I cannot express how grateful I am for the men and women of the department who have navigated a wide range of emotions, responsibilities, and uncertainty. Their commitment to being actively engaged in the change; including providing input, asking questions, and contributing to the transition has helped make the process smoother and more effective. Several existing employees have also enrolled in ALS training courses starting this fall and winter. As these EMTs complete their professional development and achieve ALS certification, it will increase the number of advanced providers available to work shifts. 

We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Holliston Police Department, and other first responders in the region in delivering high quality emergency medical care in the pre-hospital setting to those we serve.

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One thought on “Advanced Life Support (ALS)

  1. Congratulations to the Holliston Fire Department!

    This outcome was several years in the making. The Town committed to this process and initiated a study that provided a road map to follow that included the hiring of a new Assistant Chief/EMS Director, investment in new hires, and a well planned effort managed by our Town Administrator. With patience and a commitment to this evolution, our Fire Chief led his department forward. I am so very proud of all these stakeholders including the men and women of HFD. Thank you for all your hard work. We are all very grateful for helping Holliston become a safer community.

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