In addition to its “usual” business agenda items, the Youth and Family Advisory Committee welcomed new members and discussed their tasks, and closed the year out remotely.
This meeting was the last for outgoing Chair, Darlene Vittori-Marsell, who has served the Committee for 9 years. She began the remote meeting at 7:05 PM, following a reading of the statement for remote participation.
Marsell wished good luck to student representatives Ainsley MacLaughlan and Brendan Haddad, both of whom had served two years on the Committee. Members thanked them for their dedication and expressed gratitude for their service. Ainsley will attend Syracuse University, and Brendan will attend Trinity College in the fall. Stephanie Farrell, newly appointed student representative to the Committee, was present and welcomed by all. Marsell briefly reviewed her responsibilities.
April and May meeting minutes were approved, and Jackie Winer reviewed highlights of the Director’s Report. Among items mentioned, a news segment by Jim Morelli on Fox 25 featured Jackie on June 4. (See Boston 25 News Segment) Morelli had read an article in Holliston Town Pages in which Jackie had been interviewed concerning ways the COVID pandemic has affected mental health. (See Town Pages Article)
Winer also took part in the third installment of a parenting series, “Parenting During a Pandemic.” This program focused on routines and rituals and provided some resources for parents. Winer reported that about 70 people participated on this Zoom session. Winer and Kirsten Rancourt are collaborating on another resource guide for the summer about routines and rituals, including ways to keep youth engaged and entertained.
Winer looks forward to that time when she and her staff will offer some small groups outdoors. She mentioned an expressive art group, using artistic and written expression.
Two electronic resources, “Simple Practice” (medical software) and a professional subscription to “” have been ordered for the YFS Department.
Committee member John Drohan provided an update of the Holliston Community Action Fund (HCAF). Jackie Winer has distributed a few HCAF emergency relief gift cards to residents. Drohan also mentioned that additional monies from the CARES Act received by the town might be available. Presently, HCAF continues to grant funds to those who apply through the YFS Director.
Chair Marsell reviewed the roles of incoming and present board members, particularly the incoming Chair, Jen Liebermann, and Vice Chair, Lynne Rahim. Peggy Paine will continue as Secretary, Jean Vazza will be the liaison to the YFS Director; the evaluation coordinator is Kate Cummings, and John Drohan will continue as the representative to the HCAF.
The Committee adjourned at 7:45 PM. The next meeting of the Youth and Family Advisory Committee is September 21, at 7:00 PM.
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