Artists’ Day at the Farmers’ Market

Holliston Reporter

Do we have any Monets, Van Goghs, Rembrandts or starving Norman Rockwells in town? Back in 1991, an event featuring local artists — “Artists on the Common” — was held on the Congregational Green. Twenty years is long enough to wait to see our local talent in action! The kickoff the Farmers’ Market at Blair Square on Father’s Day and the first day of summer, June 20th, we’re bringing the event back.

Dust off the easel, brushes, and paint and come on down. This one-time event is free to all those folks who are creative and would like to highlight their works. Bring a rope and tie it off between several trees to display your work, creating our own little Louvre or Holliston Gallery of Art – outdoors of course. Artists are invited to draw or paint during the event.

The event runs from 9 am to 1 pm, Sunday, June 20.  Set up time is 8:15 am. “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”—Andy Warhol

E-mail Bobby Blair to reserve a space at

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