Holliston the Scene, Say Authorities
Two Men Held in District Court Today
August 12, 1912 – That Union Street, Holliston, was the scene Sunday night of a highway robbery developed in 1st district court today, when Peter Gregorovitch was held in $500 and Charlie Jards in $200, both for the Middlesex grand jury.
The defendants are Polanders and it was with difficulty their stories were learned. It is alleged Michael Philipchook was the victim and that he was robbed of his watch and money about 9 o’clock on Union street.
George McLeod was held for $200 until morning, after having been taken from a “blind baggage” at the Boston & Albany station and found guilty of evading fare. Silvester Conlon was sentenced to one month in the house of correction for drunkenness.
December 23, 1912 – Mrs. Arthur Lajoie, aged 59 years, living in the Garrick building on Exchange street, dropped dead yesterday morning under circumstances which warranted the calling of medical examiner Dr. L. M. Palmer, by Dr. D.W. Heffernan who first saw the dead woman. Death was pronounced by the medical examiner as due to an attack of acute alcoholism.
January 13, 1913 – Cornelius Haley, Joseph Putotski, William Welch and Frank Venrick, were out on Lake Winthrop in a canoe yesterday afternoon, when they were capsized and managed to reach Casey’s island, where their cries were heard by Charles Kingsbury and Leonard Grover who went to their assistance and brought them to shore, otherwise the boys would have spent an unpleasant night as their clothing was wet and they would have been out doors all night.
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