Blair Square Committee Ponders Funding

While the Committee met indoors, Carolynn Henderson caught this shot during the late-winter snow!

Blair Square Committee members met Wednesday night in person as well as via Zoom. The meeting was brief, a half hour and the topic of discussion was how to pay for the $585,000 renovations slated for later this year.

Chair Kevin Conley noted that several of his committee had made a recent presentation before the Community Preservation Committee with a sixty-page document of plans. While the committee is asking for the full $585k, they are also applying for other grants via the town administrator. The board voted to place Selectman Ben Sparrell in charge of tracking those grant requests. Sparrell did not attend the meeting.

Gretchen Prieve, also a member of the Friends of Holliston Trails, presented a matching fund-raising concept.

Depending on when monies can be secured will determine when actual construction takes place. Committee members suggested a fall start time to avoid disruptions to many users of the trail. The next meeting is scheduled for the 1st Wednesday in April.

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