What’s Going On?

Have you noticed eight large, long rows of brown leafy stuff on Norfolk Street? On a cold morning, the long rows may be steaming.

Arcadian Farm is practicing good land management by improving tired soil that has been planted for decades. These long rows contain tons of leaf compost that eventually will be tilled (mixed) into the soil to produce healthier and more abundant vegetables. Leaves are chosen for this project since grass clippings are more likely to contain lawn chemicals. Wood chips would work but take much longer to break down.  As in our own backyard—good garden soil grows healthy plants.

Chris Chabot, Farm Director and owner, explained the natural cycles that are at work.  The bacteria that break down organic matter reduce the leaves to simpler, soil building materials.  Lots of minerals stored in the leaves are released during this decay. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compost

When do you know it’s ready?  The composting mounds heat up during their aerobic workout until the internal temperature reaches about 140° F.  Turning the compost causes bacteria to become more active, creating greater and faster decay. Chabot plans to till the compost into the soil this summer. 

Farming requires making long range plans so the soil remains rich and healthy for years to come.  The process is expensive, but well worth resulting lush growth and abundant crops.

Perhaps your gardening does or will incorporate good soil management such as that used in this large-scale project.  Have a great growing season and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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2 thoughts on “What’s Going On?

  1. Pretty cool Linda – I’ve been driving by it for a while now, watching it all happen – thank you Arcadian Farms

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