Celebrate Holliston Parade and Field Day

Yvette and I took pictures of the parade and Yvette took pictures at the Field Day. Some of the pictures are posted here. All the photos are attached at the bottom of this article.

If Celebrate Holliston is “powered by positive energy,” the smiles here show where that energy starts.
Finally, the parade comes into view on Central Street and the youngsters prepared their candy collection bags.
COTY Ken Szajda makes friends by distributing Reese’s and Butterfinger candies.
COTY Sheila Adams gives a big wave to her daughter (who was standing near me).
Spencer and Penny rode in style as parade Grand Marshals
COTY 2017 Herb Brockert usually rides in the Rail Trail maintenance cart. He definitely got an upgrade this year.
Holliston is an agricultural town. Outpost Farms, left, and a horse and rider (along with pooper scoopers), right, remind of us of our heritage.
Holliston’s Lions are always out helping around the community. It was a good day to wear the Lion costume with a little chill in the air.
Somebody’s got to be the end of the parade. On this day it was Jimmy Read.

Then home for a quick change and then back to the Field Day. The “Town Crier” met celebrities and citizens along the way. The “Town Crier” is the creation of Bobby Blair for the grand opening of the Farmers’ Market in 2021. The uniform is actually from a historic military unit in Connecticut (more on that someday).

Sheila Adams holds her Proclamation that announced that it was Sheila Adams Day. Ken Szajda – it was also Ken Szajda Day – holds his bag of candy just in case.
COTY 2001 Mark Ahronian was excited to meet the Town Crier.
Envision Future Holliston Chair Stacey Raffi got a look at what uniforms looked like about 250 years ago.
Very shiny bling for the top three entries in the Chili Contest.
It was great to see Holliston enjoying the beautiful weather and the positive energy of Celebrate Holliston.

All the pictures can be found below.

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