Civics Sunday: Candidates Sought for Town Election

Holiston Reporter

Open Offices for the Annual Town Election

On February 1, 2021, Nomination Papers will be available to run for an elected office in Holliston. Running for a Town Office can be a rewarding experience, and an opportunity to help your community.  Holliston depends on its volunteers. 

The following is a list of the offices:

To qualify as a candidate, you must be at least 18 years old, a registered Holliston voter, and collect 50 signatures from Holliston registered voters by April 5, 2022.  The Town Election is May 24, 2022.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities, or have your Nomination Papers prepared, please call the office.

Town Elections are non-partisan.

Town Clerk’s Office, 508-429-0601.

Elizabeth Turner Greendale, CMC/CMMC

Town Clerk

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One thought on “Civics Sunday: Candidates Sought for Town Election

  1. Serving Holliston as an elected official has been a tremendously rewarding experience. I strongly encourage anyone who is considering a first time run for office to take that step and pull papers. You will find that 1) your Town needs you, 2) many people will come out to support you, and 3) you will get back more than you give:)

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