The Holliston Council on Aging held its monthly meeting on June 14, 2023. Chair Yvette Cain (below left front) called the meeting to order at 2:30pm – the start was delayed so all could enjoy the “Summer Sizzler” luncheon. Chair Cain noted a guest at the meeting – Millie Kampersal. The May meeting minutes were approved.

Public Comment: Vice-chair Kathy Anguish read a letter that was sent to the Holliston Knights of Columbus council regarding a request for someone to provide respite care to an elderly resident. Several options were mentioned, and the letter would be read at the next Knights’ meeting.
Director’s Report: Director Lisa Borchetta (above center right) shared the following:
- Complimented the excellent landscaping care being provided by the Holliston DPW
- Cameras and doorbells have been added at the entrances and on the grounds. The Director can monitor the entrances – no files are saved.
- A suggestion box will be installed soon to collect Sr. Ctr. user input.
- Remaining formula grant monies will be used to buy outdoor game equipment and a portable warming appliance.
- The Senior Safe program in conjunction with HFD is still ongoing – smoke / CO detectors and/or grab bars.
- Applications for the Habit for Humanity safety / livability repair program are still being accepted – 3 projects have been completed – 4 are in the application / beginning stage. Applications are still being accepted.
- Thank you to the many volunteers who have stepped up to fill in while the new Asst. Director is being selected.
- Asst Dir. Candidates have had two sets of interviews and a finalist has emerged – stay tuned.
Chair Cain acknowledged Director Borchetta’s exemplary work during the past several months while the search for a new Asst Dir has taken place.
The Council unanimously approved Director Borchetta’s for $1,755 from the Senior Support Foundation for programs in July and August.
Associate member Peter Eagan, who represents the older adult community on the Envision Future Holliston committee, fresh from a EFH meeting with the consultant, reported that organizing the large volume of data collected through surveys, public forums, “meetings in a box” sessions, and stakeholder interviews is the next BIG task for BarryDunn do distill the input into a vision (see below) and strategic plan during the coming months.
The Council took the following actions:
- Elected Officers for FY 24: Chair, Yvette Cain; Vice-chair, Kathy Anguish; Treasurer, Carmen Chiango, Jr.; Secretary, Janet Alexander.
- Approved the FY 24 meeting schedule: Sept 23 – June 24 (with special meetings called as needed)
- Approved the following Mission and Vision Statements:
Mission Statement
The Holliston COA/Senior Center cultivates independence, enrichment, and well-being through its programs and services for older adults.
Vision Statement
We envision a community actively engaged in respecting and integrating older adults into the fabric of Holliston life.
The next meeting of the Council on Aging will be September 13, 2023, 2:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 3:20pm.
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