Council on Aging Holds its Annual Meeting

The Holliston Council on Aging held its monthly meeting on June 14, 2023.  Chair Yvette Cain (below left front) called the meeting to order at 2:30pm – the start was delayed so all could enjoy the “Summer Sizzler” luncheon.  Chair Cain noted a guest at the meeting – Millie Kampersal. The May meeting minutes were approved.

Public Comment: Vice-chair Kathy Anguish read a letter that was sent to the Holliston Knights of Columbus council regarding a request for someone to provide respite care to an elderly resident.  Several options were mentioned, and the letter would be read at the next Knights’ meeting.

Director’s Report: Director Lisa Borchetta (above center right) shared the following:

  • Complimented the excellent landscaping care being provided by the Holliston DPW
  • Cameras and doorbells have been added at the entrances and on the grounds.  The Director can monitor the entrances – no files are saved.
  • A suggestion box will be installed soon to collect Sr. Ctr. user input.
  • Remaining formula grant monies will be used to buy outdoor game equipment and a portable warming appliance.
  • The Senior Safe program in conjunction with HFD is still ongoing – smoke / CO detectors and/or grab bars.
  • Applications for the Habit for Humanity safety / livability repair program are still being accepted – 3 projects have been completed – 4 are in the application / beginning stage. Applications are still being accepted.
  • Thank you to the many volunteers who have stepped up to fill in while the new Asst. Director is being selected.
  • Asst Dir. Candidates have had two sets of interviews and a finalist has emerged – stay tuned.

Chair Cain acknowledged Director Borchetta’s exemplary work during the past several months while the search for a new Asst Dir has taken place.

The Council unanimously approved Director Borchetta’s for $1,755 from the Senior Support Foundation for programs in July and August.

Associate member Peter Eagan, who represents the older adult community on the Envision Future Holliston committee, fresh from a EFH meeting with the consultant, reported that organizing the large volume of data collected through surveys, public forums, “meetings in a box” sessions, and stakeholder interviews is the next BIG task for BarryDunn do distill the input into a vision (see below) and strategic plan during the coming months.

The Council took the following actions:

  • Elected Officers for FY 24: Chair, Yvette Cain; Vice-chair, Kathy Anguish; Treasurer, Carmen Chiango, Jr.; Secretary, Janet Alexander.
  • Approved the FY 24 meeting schedule:  Sept 23 – June 24 (with special meetings called as needed)
  • Approved the following Mission and Vision Statements:

Mission Statement

The Holliston COA/Senior Center cultivates independence, enrichment, and well-being through its programs and services for older adults.

Vision Statement

We envision a community actively engaged in respecting and integrating older adults into the fabric of Holliston life.

The next meeting of the Council on Aging will be September 13, 2023, 2:00 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20pm.

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