Holliston’s Council on Aging recently met at the Senior Center. Chair Yvette Cain called the meeting to order at 2:00pm on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
The first item on the agenda was Public Comment. Kevin Conley (below), Chair of the Blair Square Committee, made a presentation on the proposed improvements to the Upper Charles Rail Trail hub in Holliston. Mr. Conley has been seen all around town garnering grassroots support for CPC funding of the next phase of Blair Square improvements. He promotes the space as a “place for the town to come together” and he has heard “virtually no negative vibes.”
Conley shared the rendering of the Blair Square improvements. (below) Mr. Conley expects the project to cost around $500,000, paid through CPC and private fund raising – no tax dollars.
The Council asked several questions which were handled by Mr. Conley. Conley asked the Council for a letter of support for the proposed changes. After Conley left, the Council discussed the plan. The discussion tended to support the concept with a request that senior considerations like comfortable seating, handicap access, safety, and bathroom access be part of the final plan. Chair Cain will draft a letter summarizing the Council’s thoughts on the project for consideration at a future meeting.
The Council then moved on to business:
- Approving minutes from two meetings in September (including a special meeting to approve a CARES Act request.
- Elected Kathy Anguish as Vice-chair of the Council.
- Peter Eagan has volunteered to be the Council on Aging representative to the Comprehensive Long-range Planning Committee, a.k.a. Envisioning Future Holliston.
Director Lisa Borchetta, Asst. Director Amanda Boralessa, and Outreach Coordinator Marty Schneier provided the Council with their monthly updates. Highlights were:
- Meals at the Sr. Ctr. have moved indoors (with outdoor seating under the tent)
- A new wooden shed has been purchased and will be built soon to store the tent, etc. during the winter.
- Many of the familiar weekly classes / group sessions have returned.
- The recent Bluegrass Coffee House was very well-attended and will be repeated every few months.
- Work continues to secure funding to conduct a survey soliciting input from Holliston seniors.
The Center is looking for part-time van drivers to safely transport Holliston seniors to appointments in the greater Holliston area. A great opportunity for a parent who has a few hours when their students are in school. Visit the Town website to learn more and apply.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05pm.
The next meeting is November 10, 2021 at 2:00pm (in-person or via Zoom).
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