December 1st COVID-19 Update

As we enter a new month, I wanted to highlight the month-by-month trend in two key COVID-19 metrics to help establish where we are compared with the first phase of the pandemic.
Our daily new case numbers are now higher than they have ever been. We are consistently reporting case totals higher than we saw at the first “surge” in our pandemic, with a 7-day average of 2,445 new positive cases each day. However, it’s important to note that we are testing far more people than we were in April, and positive test rates, while climbing at a concerning rate, are still lower than the 20-30% positive test rate we were seeing in the spring.
Hospitalization numbers continue to climb as well, with a 7-day average of 1,055 individuals hospitalized with COVID-19. These numbers are also far lower than they were at the height of our “surge,” but this number has also increased by 81% in the last month alone, the state having nearly doubled the number of individuals hospitalized with COVID-19 since November 1.
As we move into the coming weeks and continue to make difficult decisions about planning for the holiday season, please continue to be mindful of these trends and all the public health guidance still in effect. We continue to receive encouraging news about developing COVID-19 vaccines, but we are still a long way off from eliminating community spread and need to stay focused on the steps we can all take to keep ourselves, our neighbors, and our families safe.
News Updates
Below is a summary of the most recent efforts to respond to the wide range of needs in our communities. For a summary of previously issued guidance and state restrictions related to the coronavirus epidemic, visit mass.gov/covid19. For previous updates visit carolyndykema.com/covid19.
Coronavirus Testing and Response

- Today, the state saw 2,845 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, with 221,174 total cases and 30 reported deaths as of today at 4pm.
- The average new cases over the last 7 days is 2,445, and the average number of deaths is 32.
- The 7-day weighted average positive test rate in Massachusetts is 4.6%.
- 59,832 new molecular tests for COVID-19 were reported in the Commonwealth today.
- The Department of Public Health regularly releases a daily reporting dashboard containing detailed information on hospitalizations, demographic data, and county-by-county breakdowns of cases. To view the DPH dashboard, visit here.
Heath Care (as of 12/1)
- Hospitalization: 1,191 individuals are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 statewide, an increase of 17 from yesterday.
- Hospital Capacity: 33% of the Commonwealth’s 10,900 non-ICU hospital beds are available for new patients if needed (44% of statewide ICU beds are available). In the MetroWest region, 33% of the region’s non-ICU 1,800 beds are available for new patients (50% of regional ICU beds are available).
- Long-term care: There are 401 long-term care facilities with at least one case of COVID-19 and 27,323 staff and residents in facilities who have tested positive for COVID-19. 6,797 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in long-term care facilities.
- For information on COVID-19 testing and guidance on whether you should get tested, how to get tested, and where to get tested, visit the COVID-19 testing portal at mass.gov/gettested.
Local and State Resources
Town Resources
All of the towns in the 8th Middlesex District have centralized COVID-19 resource pages with resources, updates, and alerts regarding town services.
Holliston | Hopkinton | Southborough | Westborough
Job/Income Loss Resources
COVID-19 is also causing broad disruption to the economy which is affecting incomes of many residents and families. There are a number of State resources and supports available to support workers who may find themselves unemployed or otherwise income-constrained during this uncertain time.
Guide for job/income loss resources: https://carolyndykema.com/covid19-state-resources
Department of Unemployment Assistance
Department of Transitional Assistance
Statewide Information
Information on the state of emergency and related orders can be found here.
Reopening guidance can be found at mass.gov/reopening.
Information on COVID-19 testing can be found at mass.gov/gettested.
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