Dorothy B. Stevens Holliston Garden Club Scholarship

This scholarship was founded by Dorothy (Dot) Stevens, a former Club president who recognized the importance of preserving our natural world and whose dream it was to encourage young people to pursue careers in horticulture. The scholarship began small, with money raised from raffles, plant sales, and donations.

It is awarded annually to a candidate planning to major in Horticulture, Botany, Landscape Design Forestry, Environmental Science, Land Management or other garden-related field.

Who can apply: High school seniors or college students; Holliston residents only
Scholarship amount: $1000
Deadline to apply: April 14

Holliston Garden Club Educational Grant
Grants are awarded annually to Holliston residents or organizations that seek to provide children with educational projects in horticulture or garden-related subjects.

Funded grants have supported the planting of tulip bulbs in the Placentino School courtyard, several High School greenhouse projects, and window box planting projects with elementary special needs students.

Who can apply: Holliston residents/organizations
Grant amount: $500 each
Deadline to apply: April 14

All applications should be sent to and received in good order by deadline:
Holliston Garden Club
Attn: Educational Grant and Scholarship Chair
PO Box 5812
Holliston, MA 01746

Questions? Contact the Educational Grant and Scholarship Chair
Alice Valle

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