Spring has sprung and vaccinations are on the rise. The result was a flurry of outdoor activities raising funds and spirits. Our Saturday morning stroll brought us to three different events bringing people safely together for great causes: charity and health.
Our first stop was at St. Mary’s to see the recycling efforts of K of C Council 14224 and the Green Team as old electronics were recycling and donations were being collected.
Later in the day, Knight Tom Anguish reported that they had raised $3,200 which will be split between the Holliston Pantry Shelf and the MetroWest Veterans Emergency Assistance Fund. Thanks to all who participated!
Then across Washington Street to see how the Holliston Garden Club’s Plant Sale was going. We arrived shortly after 10:00 to find most of the plants sold. Great news for the fund-raising efforts of the Club.
As we headed home, joyous sounds drew us to Goodwill Park where a rousing soccer match was happening.
While the calendar suggests it is Spring, the attire in these photos reminds us that in New England we have another season known as ‘Spr-inter.’
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Add to Saturday’s “doing good” event list the Great Rain Barrel event over at he Water Department on Central Street-where Holliston’s Sustainability Coordinator (Matt Zetteck), Water Department Staff (Linda Mann), and Facilities Manager (James Keast) volunteered their time to distribute an army of rain barrels to residents. Thank you!
Also on Saturday our Holliston Lions Club conducted their annual spring Adopt a Highway clean up. They collected over 15 bags of trash in a 2 mile section of Washington Street. Thanks to the crew.
Many people came out from the shelter of their homes and made this a very robust town wide weekend in Holliston. The Knights of Columbus really thank all those who contributed to the success of our Recycling Event. Closets and basements were emptied of old electronic equipment and two non-profits will receive much needed funds as a result. Thank You!