East Holliston Visual Improvement – 22 Years in The Making

Holiston Reporter

The Town’s 1999 Master Plan cited the East Holliston Commercial District as the eastern “gateway” into town. Under the heading of Town and Village Centers – the plan suggested “Improve the visual appeal of the East Holliston Commercial district by identifying places for additional landscaping.”

The American Legion Downtown Marigold Project may be a little late in doing their part by adding to the visual appeal to this section of town, but better late than never.

The new project which included the mounting of ten hanging brackets to existing pedestrian poles both street side at Cole Court and Rossini Corner (Rt. 16 & 126). New hanging baskets complete with coco matting and inserts, totaling 20 baskets in all.  The baskets had to be back ordered from a company in California (what’s a few more weeks after 22 years). The installation was handled by Highway Chief Tom Smith.

The expenditures for the project totaled $3,600 (all monies were privately donated) which included the baskets, potting soil, and plants.

The recent monsoon rains have created havoc for local farmers. At the same time the unprecedented moisture has been a blessing to the folks at the Marigold project who haven’t needed to water the baskets in nearly two weeks!

While the project may not create a huge transformation to the Town’s eastern “gateway,” many would say, “every little bit helps”.

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