Excerpts from November’s The Bubble, the HYFS Newsletter

Holliston Reporter

With permission from Jackie Winer, HYFS Director

The November issue of The Bubble, Youth and Family Services monthly newsletter, is filled with descriptions of upcoming events, topics of interest, and helpful resources.

Kirsten Rancourt, YFS Community Therapist, examines “the holiday blues,” in her article, “Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season.”  The holiday blues is different from clinical anxiety or depression because it is temporary.  Rancourt lists several tips that may help us to protect ourselves and our mental health from negative effects.  Tips include sticking to our normal routines, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising.

Sarah White, MSW Intern with Holliston YFS, provides readers with suggestions for maintaining progress in Binge Eating Disorder. Consider where you are in your recovery; show yourself some compassion; evaluate whether you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired; and practice being good to yourself.  White concludes with a reminder “that ‘normal’ eating is flexible eating. You are not a good person for eating Brussels sprouts, and you are not a bad person for eating pumpkin pie.”

Jackie Winer, YFS Director, in “BE Home for the Holidays,” guides readers through a simple mindfulness breathing exercise that may only take minutes, but may improve a person’s perspective.

Included among the events of note is a presentation by members of Diverse Holliston for Community Conversation: “Holliston’s Indigenous Legacy.”  Native Education Specialist Annawon Weeden will present “First Light Flashback,” the story of his community’s history and legacy.  A discussion of the truth of Holliston’s indigenous and colonial legacies and ways to honor and preserve the richness of indigenous history and culture will follow.  (November 12, 6-8 PM in the Goodwin Room of Parks and Recreation)

Readers interested in substance prevention strategies in Holliston may attend the Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition (HDAAC). The next meeting time is Tuesday, November 12, at 6:30 PM at HYFS, 1750 Washington Street.

To read more of this month’s Bubble, click: The Bubble.

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