Following Your Faith

Holliston Reporter

It is Sunday, a day of worship for many. The Holliston Reporter has gathered information from Facebook, emails, websites, and word of various sources to bring you worship-related activities while Holliston waits out the COVID-19 isolation/quarantine period.   

If you do not see your faith represented among those described, or if a correction is needed, please email:  We will update this article with new information as it is received.

Reverend Bonnie Steinroeder

The First Congregational Church, UCC

A service is streamed online each Sunday at 10:00 AM: 

Additionally, a short meditation is shared each morning at 8:00 AM live, at the above URL.  Bonnie and various faith leaders from Holliston deliver these meditations.

Pastor Mark Peterson

Christ the King Lutheran Church

You may join Pastor Peterson on Sundays on Facebook for prayer, scripture, and a message:

Additionally, Pastor Mark is among those contributing weekday morning meditations (8:00AM) on the above Facebook page. 

Rev. Sarah Robbins-Cole

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church

St. Michael’s and St. Andrews Wellesley together offer daily morning prayer weekdays at 8:30 AM (Sundays at 10:00 AM) and evening prayers at 7:00 PM. 

You may access this at:

Father Carl Chudy

Our Lady of Fatima Shrine

Worship is suspended, but the grounds and the Shrine Church are open from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM.  Please respect the 6 feet distance one from another. Follow the sanitizing suggestions when in the Church. 

Father Carl is also a contributor to the weekday online meditations at 8:00 AM accessible here: (Or here:

Rabbi Moshe Givental

Temple Beth Torah

A Zoom virtual meeting has been set up that will take place on Saturday March 28, 10:30 AM. The length of the program will be 40 minutes. This will allow us to see how it works with the hope of expanding beyond 40 minutes next week so as to include a service. To access Torah study:

Rev. Mark J. Coiro and friend, Holy Eucharist in the Rectory window (Photo courtesy of Father Mark)

St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Beginning Monday, March 30, at 7:30AM, Morning Prayer will be live-streamed every weekday. Sunday Mass is live-streamed at 11:30 AM. Both may be accessed on Facebook:

Please note that the Holy Eucharist is now exposed for Prayer and Adoration in the 3rd Floor St. Mary’s Rectory Window facing the Town Hall. You may park on Washington St. and pray in view of the Blessed Sacrament in perfect health safety.

Pastor Scott Foster

First Baptist Church of Holliston

The First Baptist Church live-streamed the March 22, 10:00 AM service on Facebook.  As of the publication of this article, no information was available about future services. 

Please check their Facebook page:

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3 thoughts on “Following Your Faith

  1. Faith Community Church of Hopkinton streamed live on Facebook on Sundays at 9am and can be found on youtube under the same name. Some very relevant topics.

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