The Tuesday evening remote meeting of the Governance Committee (GC), called to order at 7:03 PM, by Chair Sam Tyler, appeared an exercise in explanation and revision of their on-going work to create By-Law Articles to delineate and clarify Holliston’s Fiscal Budget Process.
Members continue to reference a listing of 15 towns similar to Holliston ( ) for their revisions. Each member has interviewed the Town Manager or Town Administrator of three towns so that all 15 are researched, and information is then shared out during GC meetings.
Paul LeBeau, Clerk to the GC, shared a chart he had constructed (based on his experience and research), illustrating both Spring and Fall Town Meeting budget requests from the years 2011-December 5, 2020. Examining this chart, the group agreed to return to their contacts of the 15 towns to question how each town deals with the Capital Budget and the parties responsible for its creation.
Some discussion followed concerning a Capital Planning Committee (Holliston presently has no such Committee) and focused on its composition and value. Of the 15 towns examined, 80% have a Capital Planning Committee.
Members planned their future interviews with the Town Managers/Administrators to elicit more information for a deeper understanding of each town’s Capital Budget process, including how it handles funding Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), such as health benefits.
The group’s next steps include sharing its work with the Select Board, the Finance Committee, the School Committee, Travis Ahern, Town Administrator, town finance officials, and Moderator for feedback. They anticipate holding a public hearing/forum of the Articles as well.
The GC adjourned at 8:04 PM.
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