Greyhound Friends Elects New Board Members, Invites Public to Open House

Hopkinton’s Greyhound Friends is pleased to announce that it added three new board members at its recent Annual Meeting. Paul Curley of Sterling, Samantha Dexter of Milford, and Michael Simon of Holliston joined the board of directors last month. “Our new directors bring a range of skills and talents to our board, as well as an infusion of new energy,” said board president Cathy DeNorscia.

Michael Simon

Michael Simon, along with his wife Stephanie and daughter Evelyn, own three sighthounds: Roo, a saluki/coonhound mix from Alabama; Zara, a Bedouin saluki from the UAE; and Najima, a saluki mix rescued from the streets in Qatar. Michael is an attorney with Philadelphia based Xpan Law Partners and owns Seventh Samurai, a legal technology expert consulting firm. He also volunteers with PAWS Rescue Qatar and has previously volunteered in the rescue and rehoming of Belgian Sheepdogs and Malinois.

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, Greyhound Friends will hold its Spring Open House from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 167 Saddle Hill Road, Hopkinton. The event is free and open to the general public and will be held outdoors, with very limited indoor access.

More information on Greyhound Friends’ ongoing work and evolving plans will be available at the Open House.

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