Happy 100th Legion Post 47

Holiston Reporter

We hope these photos capture the evening for everyone. Thank you Post 47 for the wonderful party!

Goodwill Park filled up quickly.
Man-made fog brought the lights to life.
This was a REAL mosh pit.
The trees around the park showed the lights motion.

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4 thoughts on “Happy 100th Legion Post 47

  1. Very Well Done Legion Post 47! Congratulations on your 100th anniversary. That was a magnificent and patriotic light show. Could you please tell me who sang our national anthem at the beginning of the performance? She did a spectacular job!

    1. Doug, That was a recording, I believe it was Ayla Brown . Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Thank you to everyone who helped make our Post’s 100th Anniversary a success.

  3. Reminds me of the scenes from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. Very cool!

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