HolliPride sponsors Just JP for Drag Story Hour at Holliston Public Library

HolliPride, a volunteer run organization focusing on events and advocacy for Holliston’s  LGBTQ+ community members, is sponsoring Holliston’s very first Drag Story Hour. For  security and safety of participants and the performer, registration is required and  participation is limited to children with their grown-ups. The event will occur on  Saturday, June 15, 10:30-11:30am, at the Holliston Public Library in the Gilman room.  HolliPride independently raised funds for this event in honor of LGBTQ+ Pride month,  which is the month of June. 

Drag Story Hour is a national 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to  “celebrate reading through the glamorous art of drag.” From their website, “Our chapter  network creates diverse, accessible, and culturally-inclusive family programming where  kids can express their authentic selves and become bright lights of change in their  communities. We envision a world where kids can learn from LGBTQ+ stories and  experiences to love themselves, celebrate the fabulous diversity in their communities,  and stand up for what they believe in and each other.” 

Just JP will be the drag performer reading at the event on Saturday. Just JP is a local  drag entertainer, producer, host and speaker who loves to make people laugh, lipsync  for her life, fight oppression, and eat pupusas. They are Mx. Gay Boston 2022 and the  

first Drag Gauntlet competition winner. Born and raised in El Salvador, Just JP is fluent  in English and Spanish, and proudly represents Latinidad wherever she goes. 

FAQ’s (summarized from Drag Story Hour website) 

What is drag? 

Drag is an artistic way of expressing yourself and showing the world who you are or  who you want to be. Drag performers often express different aspects of their gender or  personality through dressing up, performing, marching in parades, and volunteering in their communities. There are drag queens, drag kings, drag princes, and drag  princesses—anyone can be any of the above, regardless of how they identify in  everyday life! All that matters is that, when you dress up, you feel comfortable and  creative. 

At Drag Story Hour (DSH), drag is used as a traditional art form to promote literacy,  teach about LGBTQ lives, and activate children’s imaginations. Let’s be clear: Drag  Story Hour provides age-appropriate programming, and we routinely receive praise from  parents and educators who are delighted that we offer children safe spaces to express  themselves and support one another.  

Does this promote an agenda? 

Our agenda is simple: we believe that people of all ages should be free to express  themselves however they want, free from the constraints of prescribed gender roles. In  other words, there’s no such thing as “girl clothes” and “boy clothes,” or “girl toys” and  “boy toys.” DSH teaches children that there are many ways to express themselves and 

their gender, and they are all OK. Of course, drag is an art form that is rooted in diverse  LGBTQ communities, and we support equality, justice, and respect for all people—for  us, that’s just a given. Given that LGBTQ people are present in every community, we  believe that children deserve to experience these aspects of our shared history and  culture, in age appropriate ways. Any insinuation that we have an agenda to  indoctrinate children misunderstands LGBTQ experiences and is rooted in homophobia  and transphobia. 

Why is this necessary? 

DSH helps children develop empathy, learn about gender diversity and difference, and  tap into their own creativity. DSH can also be life-changing and ultimately life-saving for  LGBTQ kids and teens, kids with LGBTQ parents or family members, and anyone who feels different because of their identity or interests or who may not otherwise see  themselves reflected in the broader culture. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) acknowledges gender diversity as a  normal part of human diversity and adopted a policy in February 2024 that affirms the  need for evidence-based inclusive care for transgender, gender diverse, and non-binary  individuals. This statement addresses the spread of misleading and unfounded  narratives that mischaracterize gender dysphoria and affirming care, likely resulting in  further stigmatization, marginalization, and lack of access to psychological and medical  supports for transgender, gender-diverse, and nonbinary individuals. 

Most children naturally explore gender identity and norms through imaginative play.  However, too often gender norms are socially enforced at all ages, from the colors or  clothes we’re supposed to wear to the toys kids are allowed to play with to the kinds of  jobs we’re trained for. DSH teaches children to follow their passions and embrace  gender diversity in themselves and others. This helps to curb bullying of LGBTQ kids  and kids who may be perceived as different in all kinds of ways. It also promotes self love and affirmation, as well as the reduction of shame, in LGBTQ+ individuals  themselves. 

Please join HolliPride in showing our Holliston LGBTQ+ community members that they  are welcome and safe here by supporting programming like Drag Story Hour, occurring  on June 15, 10:30-11:30am, at the Holliston Public Library in the Gilman room. 

Register for the event here: 


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