[February 20, 2024, Holliston, MA]—Holliston Democratic Town Committee (HDTC) members are hosting the 2024 Democratic Town Caucus to select delegates to attend the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention. The caucus will convene at 10:30 AM, Saturday, March 16, at Holliston Town Hall. All Democrats registered to vote in Holliston are invited to participate and are encouraged to run for convention delegate. The convention will take place June 1 at the DCU Center in Worcester.

The caucus is open to the public and press, but only Holliston’s registered and pre-registered Democrats are eligible to run and vote. Pre-registered Democrats must be at least 16 years old on the caucus date. Same-day registration is allowed. Those running as a delegate or alternate should be present at the caucus to be elected. However, if there are not enough candidates present to fill all delegate and alternate positions, two-thirds of those present and voting may move to have a candidate’s name placed in nomination despite the candidate’s absence, provided that the candidate has notified the Chair of their interest in running. 

Holliston Democrats will vote to elect 10 delegates and 4 alternates to represent Holliston at the convention. Those not selected as a delegate or an alternate, and who meet the qualifications, can apply separately to be an add-on delegate in the following categories: youth, minority, disabled, LGBTQ+, or ask about being a convention volunteer. Access the 2024 Call to Convention here: https://massdems.org/massdems-convention.

Registration will open at 10:00 AM. The caucus will begin at 10:30 AM. The caucus doors will close at 10:45 AM. Everyone waiting in line to register at 10:45 AM will be admitted to the caucus. Anyone admitted after 10:45 AM will be designated as a guest and will not be able to run for delegate or to vote.

For more information, visit www.hollistondems.org. While not required, if you plan to run for a delegate or alternate seat, please fill out this form: https://bit.ly/HDTC-Caucus. This will help volunteers plan ahead for an efficient caucus.

About the Holliston Democratic Town Committee: 

The Holliston Democratic Town Committee is a community of friends and activists. We encourage citizens to register, to vote, to work for candidates they support, and to serve on local boards and committees by running for office or volunteering. We advocate for the causes and concerns that matter to us locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. We promote discussion on issues and work towards government that is fair and transparent in its dealings with the public. We represent the principles of the Democratic party by electing delegates from the community to participate in party activities and decision-making at the state and national levels.

For further information, please visit www.hollistondems.org.

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