Holliston Fire Department in Force

At the weekly Monday night HFD drill the department continued their readiness training. Several fire trucks and crews convened at the Holliston High School for practicing a variety of fire suppression skills under the direction of our two on-call Deputy Chiefs – Alan Greendale, Sr., and Michael Gulla. Evolutions included arriving ‘on scene’ putting the pump in gear and spraying water from an attack hose, climbing a set of stairs in gear, hoisting a hose to an upper floor on the outside of a building using a rope, raising a ground ladder, rescuing and dragging a victim to safety, and using an axe. An added benefit to this training is for members of different companies to practice together as they would be collaborating in the response to an actual emergency.

Ambulance personnel were present as part of the Medical Unit under the Incident Command System, practicing rehab operations with firefighters as it occurs at incidents. The ability to be jointly training at the scene enhances their teamwork that keeps our department ready to respond effectively. These hours spent payoff when dealing with emergencies.

Even after the skies opened, and it began pouring, the personnel continued the training until everyone had gone through all the evolutions. Thanks for training hard to keep us safe.

EMTs Caroline Ward (L) and Angela Bray (R) check equipment in A-1 before checking vital signs
      during rehab operations.

Pumpers are lined up prior to participating in timed ‘fast water’ evolutions.

Deputy Michael Gulla explains to company officers the different evolutions companies will make their way through during the training night.

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One thought on “Holliston Fire Department in Force

  1. This town is great because we care for all residents all the time. Police and fire departments no acception. Great full citizen.

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