Holliston Happenings: Week of August 15, 2021 Posted on August 15, 2021August 15, 2021 by Chris Cain Below is the calendar of Board / Committee meetings as of Saturday, August 14th. Please check the Town website for updates and agendas. Share this… Facebook Twitter Email PrintSign up and get automatic delivery of headlines to your inbox. First name Last name Email Thank you for subscribing!
Arts and Entertainment Education Town Government Library Trustees Welcome New Member and Attend to Business Yvette Cain December 3, 2021 0 The December 1, 2021, remote meeting of the Library Trustees began at 7:01 PM with Chair Karla Alfred’s roll call of members. On this evening, Gweneth Swain, newest member, was present for her first meeting and a kind welcome.
Arts and Entertainment Community Calendar Tri-Town Blue Fundraiser with Jimmy Tingle Press Release December 8, 2023 0 Tri-Town Blue Fundraiser with Jimmy Tingle
Arts and Entertainment People A Sell Out for Harriet the Spy! Yvette Cain February 12, 2020 1 This past weekend the Prana Center produced a youth theatre production of the children’s classic Harriet the Spy. COMMENT attached to this article