Holliston Historical Society Harvest Fair Seeking Vendors

Holliston Reporter

From Pam Kyrka

Did you miss the Holliston Historical Society Fair last fall? Well, we at the Holliston Historical Society did, too, thanks to COVID 19. However, we are planning to have the fair this coming September if at all possible. The tentative date is September 19, 2021, with a rain date of September 26, 2021.

We will implement guidelines to make the fair safe for vendors and visitors while keeping the Harvest Fair flavor with apple pies, food, and a baked goods sale.

Vendor applications are currently being accepted. Check hollistonhistoricalsociety.org for an application or get in touch with Harvest Fair Vendor Coordinator Pat Pereira at patpereira1106@gmail.com.

Stay tuned for future developments. We hope to see you at the 2021 Harvest Fair!

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