Holliston Lions Club Members Recognized

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is the grant-making arm of Lions Clubs International. Each year, the Holliston Lions (thanks to the generous support of members of our community) make donations to LCIF. These donations are tax-deductible and they go to various humanitarian needs around the world (and at home).

These donations are also credited to the Club and enables the Holliston Lions to recognize Lions in the Club by presenting them with a Melvin Jones Fellow. Holliston Lions Club members who are previous recipients of the Melvin Jones Fellowship award gather annually and using criteria the club has defined, they select one or more recipients. This year, the Holliston the Holliston Lions Club was proud to present two Melvin Jones Fellowship recognitions, one to Lion Debbie Kerrigan and one to Lion Kevin Conley.

Select Board Chair and State Representative James Arena-DeRosa were on hand to help recognize this important recognition. Family members were also on hand to help celebrate.

L to R – State Rep James Arena-Derosa, Lion Kevin Conley, Lion Debbie Kerrigan, Select Board Chair John Cronin, Lion Roger Rogers, Lion Steve Hedrick. In the back you see (l to r) Lion Jose Mesmar, District Governor Ivette Mesmar, Lion Mike Tyman.

An Unexpected Recognition

The Melvin Jones Fellowship offers a second level of recognition known as a progressive. This form of recognition is given to a recipient who has already received the Melvin Jones Award. These awards are given less frequently. This year, the Holliston Lions Club was proud to present a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow to Lion Mike Tyman, the second time he has received such recognition.

L to R – Lion Mike Tyman (back) Chair Lion Roger Rogers, (front) Lion Cullen Tyman, Lion Linda Ahronian

Congratulations to all three of these Lions.

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