- During the month of October, all sworn members of the Holliston Police Department successfully completed their semi-annual firearms qualification training at the Hopkinton Sportsmen’s Association range.
- On October 2, 2020, Chief Stone met with Selectwoman Hein, Interim Superintendent of Schools Dr. Susan Kustka, and Holliston Public Schools Business Manager Keith Buday about hiring a temporary School Crossing Guard for the new crosswalk on Woodland Street.
- On October 5th – 9th, 2020, Officer Charette attended a forty (40) hour “Field Training Officer” program at the Foxborough Police Department.
- On October 7, 2020, Lieutenant Thompson, Sergeant Waugh and Officer Griffith attended a one-day “Public Records Training” seminar via Zoom.
- On October 13, 2020, Chief Stone attended a meeting with Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and the Middlesex Chiefs of Police Association via Zoom.
- On October 14, 2020, all Patrol Sergeants reviewed the “Fair and Impartial Policing and Procedural Justice” policy with their respective officers assigned to their shift.
- On October 14, 2020, Chief Stone met with Town Administrator Travis Ahern and Town Clerk Liz Greendale regarding upcoming Presidential Election safety and security.
- On October 14th – 16th, Lieutenant Leurini assisted the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) at the Northborough Police Department while they completed the process for re-accreditation.
- On October 15, 2020, Administrative Assistant Kelly O’Rourke reached two (2) years of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On October 16 – 17, 2020, Lieutenant Leurini, Sergeant Waugh, Sergeant Remkus, Officer Digiorgio, and Officer Gonzalez completed their annual “National Continued Competency Requirements” (NCCR) training in order to maintain their status as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT).
- On October 17, 2020, Dispatcher Ray reached three (3) years with the Holliston Police Department.
- On October 21, 2020, Officer Hannah Ciavarra reached one (1) year of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On October 22, 2020, Officers Downey and MacGray attended a one-day “Firearms Instructor Recertification” course at Fort Devens Military Base in Devens, MA.
- On October 22, 2020, Detective Avey attended a one-day “Background Investigations” training course at the Hopkinton Police Department.
- On October 22 – 23, 2020, Lieutenant Leurini, Sergeant Waugh, and Northborough Police Dispatch Supervisor Christopher Carleton conducted interviews for the position of full-time and per-diem dispatcher positions via Zoom.
- On October 23, 2020, Sergeant Belson attended a one-day “First Line Supervisor” training course at the Haverhill Police Department.
- On October 26, 2020, Chief Stone, Lieutenant Thompson, School Resource Officer Digiorgio, and School Resource Officer Woods joined Fire Chief Cassidy, Interim-Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kustka, and several members of the Holliston Public School Administrator team for a school safety meeting at the Holliston High School.
- On October 29, 2020, Lieutenant Leurini attended a “Policing Election Day” training with Attorney John Scheft via Zoom.
- On October 29, 2020, Chief Stone joined the Holliston Select Board, Town Administrator Travis Ahern, State Representative Carolyn Dykema, members of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), Medway Town Administrator Michael Boynton, and members of the Medway Police Department to discuss future planning as it relates to traffic in and around the Lowland Street Industrial Park and South Street.
- On October 30, 2020, Officer Ethan Coakley reached three (3) years of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On October 31, 2020, Crossing Guards Martha Ellis and Charlie Russo attended a one-day “CPR/AED” training course instructed by Sergeant Waugh at the Holliston Police Department.
- During the month of October, Sergeant/K-9 Hagan and K-9 Mattis completed their mandatory 16 hours of in-service training with the Boston Police K-9 Unit.
NOTE: On March 13, 2020, Chief Stone administered a “Special Order” to all department personnel that limited close-proximity contacts with members of the public including many community interactions that typically occur each month.
- During the month of October, several members of the department participated in the “Pink Patch Project” that raises awareness and funds for breast cancer research. Members of the department were authorized to wear a “Holliston Pink Patch” on their uniform from October 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020.
- On October 6, 2020, Lieutenant Leurini joined Y&FS Director Winer from the Department of Youth and Family Services and Fire Chief Cassidy to participate in the monthly “Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition (HDAAC)” meeting at 1750 Washington Street, Holliston, MA.
- On October 24, 2020, Detective Maguire, Officer MacGray, and Officer Parent assisted in the annual “Prescription Drug Take Back” program. In total, seven boxes of medications weighing 167.4 pounds were transported for proper disposal.
- On October 24, 2020, School Resource Officer Woods assisted Holliston Public School Nurse Lynne Bowler with an elementary school flu clinic.
- On October 31, 2020, several Holliston Police Officers worked to ensure safety in and around a variety of neighborhoods during Halloween.
- November 2020 – The Holliston Police Department will once again be partnering with the United States Marine Corps Reserve to collect “Toys for Tots” during the upcoming holiday season.
- November 9, 2020 – The Holliston Police Department is scheduled to officially receive their reaccreditation award from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC).
- December 5, 2020 – The Holliston Police Department will once again be partnering with the Ashland Police Department to collect toys for our “Fill-A-Cruiser” event at the Big Lots store in Ashland. All toys and proceeds will go directly to the Marine Corps’ “Toys for Tots drive.
- December 17, 2020 – The Holliston Police Department will once again be participating in the Heroes and Helper’s “Shop with a Cop” event. More information to come.
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All Hollitonians should be very proud of our Police Department.