Holliston Property Transfers 04/29 – 05/05/2024

April 04/29 – 04/30

Property: 20 Whitney Street Price: $1,500,000
Seller: Junction Street LLC
Buyer: Whitney Co LLC

Property: 90 Willowgate Rise Price: $830,000
Seller: Youngen Trusts
Buyer: Michaela & Nolan Lantieri

Property: 544 Prentice Street Price: $620,000
Seller: Mahendra & Subarna Shakya
Buyer: Weston Conner & Megan Postemski

Property: 55 Johnson Drive Price: $1,260,000
Seller: Ray & Norabell Oquendo
Buyer: Micheal & Elizabeth McKenna

May 01 – 05

Property: 66 Wedgewood Drive Price: $586,000
Seller: Aynur Kashgari & Maimaintiyiming Mutalilifu
Buyer: Rachel Prosser & Thompson Scott Ludwig

Property: 40 Hargrave Avenue Price: $707,000
Seller: Benjamin Pocas & Pinto Pocas Estate
Buyer: Oleg Tysbulksi

We have ended the month of April with a significant decline in property transfers compared to years’ past. It is worth noting April was the strongest period this year. While May is starting off strong, we would anticipate this trend of fewer sales to continue. Here are the comparisons:

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