Holliston Rail Trail Receives Mass Trails Grant

Robert Weidknecht, Chair of the Holliston Rail Trail Committee, announced the following at the June Trail meeting:

The Town of Holliston was awarded funding under the 2022 MassTrails Grant program in the amount of $29,741. This MassTrails grant will provide funding to complete drainage improvements to the Upper Charles Trail near Phipps Tunnel. These funds will allow the Town to install drainage pipes to improve drainage and maintenance issues.

The Baker-Polito Administration Tuesday, June 28, 2022, awarded $11.4 million in MassTrails Grants to 81 local trail projects throughout the Commonwealth, including Holliston. The program is competitive, and 167 projects were submitted for funding, requesting over $24.8 million.

The grants will support the state’s vast network of trails with projects dedicated to the construction, maintenance, and improvements for a variety of public trails, including hiking trails, bikeways, and shared-use paths. MassTrails Grants focus on the improvement of existing trails, the construction of new trails, and the maintenance of the statewide trail system. Additionally, each recipient matches awarded grants with a minimum of 20 percent in funding or in-kind services for the designated project. 

The Holliston Rail Trail Committee hopes to see this project completed this year.  This cooperative project between local and state agencies will enhance our trail as a valued recreational pathway.

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