The Select Board has received numerous presentations from consultants in May and June of 2022 that presented recommendations for the Town to consider. These presentations require follow-up “Community Forum” discussions, allowing for feedback from residents and stakeholders to influence these important processes and projects. As such, two (2) follow-up meetings are scheduled and listed below. The public is encouraged to participate in the discussion of recommendations previously presented by consultants engaged by the Town. If you are unable to attend, public comment may be emailed to in advance to be read into the record during the Forum(s).
The Select Board holds “hybrid” meetings, meaning that a resident or stakeholder of Holliston may come in-person to Town Hall (703 Washington Street) or join via Zoom with instructions on each agenda posted on the website (see calendar function on left of main page) (please note remote participation is still subject to legislative action that is expected to happen prior to the July 15th deadline):
Monday, July 18, 2022
Fire & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Organizational Evaluation – Review & Discuss Recommendations
Follow up to May 31, 2022 presentation from consultant Municipal Resources Inc. (MRI) to the Select Board. Both the presentation and the full report are available online:
MRI was tasked with reviewing the manner in which Fire and EMS services are provided within the community; including review of: target hazard analysis, incident response metrics, current facility and apparatus/equipment condition, staffing models, and more.
Over 100 recommendations (of various scale and scope) were made in the report, and responses from staff (Fire Chief, Town Administrator, HR Director, Treasurer/Collector, Facilities Director and IT Director) will be provided to the Select Board and community for consideration as the Town looks to ensure the very best level of service is provided in these critical service areas.
Monday, August 15, 2022
DPW Facility Feasibility Study – Review & Discuss Site Options
Follow up to presentations from the consultant Weston & Sampson on April 5 and June 27 to the Select Board. The presentations and report are available online:
The Feasibility study reviewed the condition of two current DPW Facilities (Arch St. and Central St.) which are well past useful life and in need of replacement and determined the optimal facility size and layout for a combined DPW operation, before scaling back for cost effectiveness. The study considered five (5) locations and the Select Board will look for community input on these site options. Based on the Q&A from this meeting, it may not be possible for a final site selection to take place on August 15, and an additional Community Forum is therefore likely after Labor Day.