Personnel Highlights
- During the month of April, all department members reviewed Policy 4.16 “Records Management.”
- During the month of April, all full-time sworn officers attended two mandatory in-service training courses entitled “Trauma Informed Policing” and “212 Degrees: Preventing Officer Crises” in Sherborn, MA.
- On April 1, 2023, Chief Stone held a Command Staff meeting in the administrative lobby of the police station.
- On April 2, 2023, Officer Palencia attended a one-day training course entitled “Officer in Charge” in Wayland, MA.
- On April 3, 2023, Chief Stone, Lieutenant Thompson, and Lieutenant Barrett attended a one-day training course entitled “Understanding the Unique Challenges of Leading a Smaller Police Department” in Grafton, MA.
- On April 3, 2023, Chief Stone and Officer Grace attended the Select Board meeting to provide an update on the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC).
- On April 4, 2023, Officer David Craig reached one (1) year of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On April 6, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett attended a half-day training course entitled “Post Promotional Suicide Prevention” in Grafton, MA.
- On April 9 – 15th, 2023, our dispatchers were recognized for their contributions to public safety during “National Public Safety Telecommunicator’s Week.”
- On April 10, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett attended a “Safe Routes to School Task Force” meeting via Zoom.
- On April 11, 2023, Sergeant Remkus attended a one-day training course entitled “Responding to Crisis” via Zoom.
- On April 11, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett held his monthly meeting with School Resource Officers Woods and Ciavarra.
- On April 12, 2023, Chief Stone met Town Administrator Ahearn and Dr. Sarah Abbott and Ms. Bonnie Almeida from William James University regarding our Jail Diversion Program and the upcoming FY24 Department of Mental Health grant opportunity.
- On April 15, 2023, Officer Tim Heney reached thirty-eight (38) years of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On April 19, 2023, Sergeant Remkus attended a one-day training course entitled “Firearm Dealer Inspections” in Southbridge, MA.
- On April 19, 2023, several officers attended a one-day “Rescue Task Force/ASHER” training at Medway High School.
- On April 22, 2023, Officer Scott Downey reached twenty-seven (27) years of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On April 24, 2023, Sergeant MacGray attended a one-day training course entitled “Responding to Crisis” via Zoom.
- On April 24, 2023, Chief Stone attended a Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association (MCOPA) “School Safety and Security” subcommittee meeting via Zoom.
- On April 24 – 26th, Deputy Chief Ronald Brandolini, Deputy Chief Victor Pereira, and Lieutenant Jorge Ruiz of the Framingham Police Department assisted Lieutenant Thompson with a “mock assessment” in preparation for our department’s re-accreditation assessment by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) in June.
- On April 25, 2023, Chief Stone attended a “Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council (Metro-LEC) Executive Board” meeting at the Westwood Police Department.
- On April 26, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett and Officer Grace attended a “Traffic Advisory Committee” meeting at the Town Hall.
- On April 27, 2023, Officers Hulme and Keefe attended a one-day training course entitled “Officer in Charge” in Wayland, MA.
- On April 27, 2023, Sergeant Hagan attended a one-day training course entitled “Responding to Crisis” via Zoom.
- On April 27, 2023, Sergeants Waugh and Remkus attended a two-hour MPTC sponsored training course entitled “CPR/1st Responder Recertification” via Zoom.
- On April 29, 2023, Sergeant Belson attended a one-day training course entitled “Responding to Crisis” via Zoom.
- On April 30, 2023, Officer Ciavarra attended a one-day training course entitled “Responding to Crisis” via Zoom.
- During the month of April, Sergeant/K-9 Hagan and K-9 Mattis completed their mandatory 16 hours of in-service training with the Boston Police K-9 Unit.
Community Relations

- On April 4, 2023, Officer Ciavarra held our monthly “Coffee with a Cop” event at the Holliston Senior Center.
- On April 12, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett and Detective DiGiorgio attended the weekly “Recovery Court” session at Framingham District Court.
- On April 14, 2023, several members of the Holliston Police Department participated in the annual “Special Olympics Ceremonies” at the Ashland High School.
- On April 21, 2023, Lieutenant Barrett and Detective DiGiorgio attended the Framingham Community Justice Support Recognition Ceremony for two individuals who successfully completed the “Recovery Court” program.
- On April 22, 2023, Sergeant Remkus and Officer Heney participated in the annual “Prescription Drug Take Back Day” sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at the Holliston Police Department. A total of 161 pounds of prescription medications were collected and transported to Framingham, MA for proper disposal.
- On April 24, 2023, Officer Coakley assisted the Medway Police Department with a funeral escort on MC1 for retired Medway Police Lieutenant Bill Boltenhouse.
- On April 27, 2023, Chief Stone, Lieutenant Barrett, Detective DiGiorgio, Officer Griffith, and Officer Keefe attended the annual “Law Day” event at Framingham District Court.
- On April 17, 2023, several members of the Holliston Police Department assisted with security and traffic control along the Boston Marathon route. Officers were located in the Towns of Hopkinton, Ashland, and Wellesley.
Upcoming Events
- June 2023 – Assessors from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) will be coming to the police station for our re-accreditation assessment.
- June 2023 – The Holliston Police Department will be participating in our annual “Popsicles with Police” event at the Placentino and Miller Elementary Schools.
- July 10th – 14th – Session #1 of the Holliston Junior Police Academy for students entering the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be held at the Holliston High School. This is a FREE summer camp experience for Holliston residents. Limited space is still available in session #1. For more information visit: https://sites.google.com/hollistonpolice.com/hpd/police-community-initiatives/junior-police-academy
- August 7th – 11th – Session #2 of the Holliston Junior Police Academy for students entering the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be held at the Holliston High School. This is a FREE summer camp experience for Holliston residents. Limited space is still available in session #2. For more information visit: https://sites.google.com/hollistonpolice.com/hpd/police-community-initiatives/junior-police-academy
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