James C. Baxter at 69

Holiston Reporter

James C. Baxter, 69, of Gilmanton, NH passed away September 11, 2021 at Boston Medical Center. Jim was the son of William F. Baxter Jr. and the late Jean W. Baxter.

Jim grew up in Holliston, MA and later moved to the Lakes Region in New Hampshire. He worked in the car industry for most of his life. Jim’s bright red Triumph TR4A was his pride and joy. He loved driving it on country roads and out to the seacoast. Jim led an adventurous, fun-filled life. He loved to ski and scuba dive. He rode a motorcycle and owned a small motorboat, which he referred to as a “hole in the water into which you pour money”. He loved watching baseball, eating lobster, feeding the birds in his backyard, and raising Irish Setters.

Besides his father, Jim is survived by his sister, Carol Paltrineri and her husband John of Holliston. He is predeceased by his brother, William F. Baxter III.

Funeral arrangements are being held privately with family and are under the care of the Chesmore Funeral Home of Holliston. www.ChesmoreFuneralHome.com

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The American Heart Association. Heart.org
