SSF Senior Center Fall Fair Returns After 2 Year Hiatus

Holiston Reporter

Publishers’ Note:   The Senior Support Foundation (SSF) Fall Fair was held Saturday, September 11, 2021, 9-3PM.  Innumerable weeks, days, and hours and volunteers—too many to name—make it a yearly success.  The following pictorial will give you a “flavor” of the day, with a focus on those who helped to make it happen.

The crisp, cool morning air portended a great start to the 2021 SSF Yard Sale.  Tables and rooms had been carefully prepared, some stuffed to overflowing with donations from every corner of Holliston and beyond.

Inside the Senior Center as well as its grounds held treasures waiting to be claimed.  Organizer Sheila and Concierge Tom couldn’t wait until the “guests” began to line up.  Anticipation could be seen in every smile.

Would you like to browse among the holiday decor?  There is a volunteer to help you along. Pens at the ready for the silent auction…empty containers to hold your raffle tickets…and did someone say “jewels”?  Waiting to welcome collectors of books and dishware, the empty rooms awaited anxious folks.

Is anyone hungry?  Not only are tables laden with homemade goodies, but the kitchen is alive with preparations for lunch.

Donuts for volunteers–is that Frank happily eying those goodies? 

At last, the people begin to arrive.  They’ve still got to wait for the call for opening. Outside lawns and parking spots show off their wares. 

Neil and Ellie take a 5 second break for a quick photo

Yikes!  The bake sale is almost a complete sell out! And the tickets mounted higher and higher, and the treasures depleted gradually as the hours passed.

The linen volunteers had a rush on tablecloths, but they might have a potholder or two still left!  And Roger and Dana experienced a good day of sales in the picture and frame room so carefully assembled.  Those many holiday items will make someone’s house complete.

Late day shoppers continued to the end, as Larry and Marty looked on. 

Inside, winners were drawn and announced, and happy faces ensued.

Volunteers aren’t done yet…packing, storing and distributing treasures overlooked and clean up will take many more hours.  Oh, and let us not forget the dishes had to be scrubbed, washed, and put away— thanks to Linda!

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