The Library Trustees met remotely on Wednesday evening, January 6, listening attentively to the Library Director’s December report and tending to other business. Nancy Baron, Chair, called the one-hour meeting to order at 7:04 PM and, following swift acceptance of minutes from December 2 and 7, 2020 meetings, turned the floor to Leslie McDonnell.
Director McDonnell provided a brief update of the Children’s Library activities and announced that Jennifer Carlson, formerly the interim Children’s Librarian has been named the permanent Children’s Librarian as of January 4, 2021. This follows on the heels of the recent completion of her recent graduate degree.
Funding was approved at the December 5, 2020, Town Meeting for repairs to the old stonework on the front of the building (from Community Preservation funds), replacement of the carpet, and interior painting. The town also voted a 1% raise to all non-union employees except department heads as of December 19.
December 14 the Library transitioned from in-person visits to curbside pickup and home delivery. McDonnell reports a smooth transition. The Library will receive 2 additional room dividers (from Cares Act funds) that will be utilized for curbside pickup.
A brief discussion about the purchase of security cameras for both entrances to the Library ensued. The Trustees voted to approve $1100 from State Aid to Library Funding for the purchase of 8 cameras to be installed by the Town. (All 8 would not be immediately installed.)
McDonnell also told the Trustees that the upcoming Budget for FY2021-22 is to be a “Level Service Budget,” according to guidance she has received, and will not include Cost of Living Adjustments to salaries. McDonnell will develop the budget over the next few days to send to Trustees, as the Library Budget meeting is Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 7:35 PM.
Additionally, McDonnell will send a list of accomplishments to the Trustees for their preparation of the Director’s Evaluation.
The group was reminded that borrowed library items continue to be fine-free, as a vote during their September 2020 meeting was “to indefinitely postpone fines.”
The Friends of the Library has curtailed its fundraising. However, McDonnell said that the group continues to fund items for the Library.
McDonnell said that despite COVID restrictions and regulations, the Library continues to be very busy. Baron told McDonnell, “We are deeply appreciative of all you do.” Program attendance, although mainly through Zoom remote-participation remains good.
Baron adjourned the meeting at 7:51 PM. The next meeting will be on February 3, at 7 PM.
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Great work under less than ideal circumstances! What an efficient chair.