Lions’ Recent Cookout for Seniors and Vets

Holiston Reporter

From Penn Young

The Holliston Lions were able to help a few different groups of people with one event held recently at the Holliston Senior Center.  The main feature was a cookout for Holliston Seniors and veterans.  A traditional menu was served; chips and sodas, hamburgers, hot dogs, cole slaw, potato salad and ice cream sundaes.  More than fifty meals were provided to veterans, seniors and volunteers.

The Lions also took the opportunity to make the cookout a collection spot where members of the Holliston community could drop off a variety of useful, but no longer needed goods.  Collected were twelve bags of assorted clothes, four bags of coats, seven pounds of aluminum can pull tabs, and twelve pairs of eyeglasses.  The clothing (below) will go to Savers and the funds from that will go to the Lions Club International Fund for Disaster Relief. 

Members of the Holliston Lions youth group, the LEO Club, will pass the pull tabs (below) on to the Ronald McDonald House.  

And the eyeglasses will be part of the Lions Club’s ongoing collection of glasses and hearing aids for the needy.

The Holliston Lions are very grateful to the Holliston community for their support and donations and to the Holliston Senior Center for their help in registering diners for the cookout and for the use of their facilities and equipment.   The Holliston Lions organized and staffed the event, but it could not have been held without the generous help and support of the Senior Center.

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