Turkey Trotters Out Early on Thanksgiving

Holiston Reporter

Bright and early on Thanksgiving, the Holliston Youth Lacrosse’s annual 5K Turkey Trot returned after a pandemic hiatus. It was a beautiful morning with cool temps for the runners to get out and burn off some energy.

Turkeys were everywhere! And several turkey hats were in the crowd of about 300 runners.
Jenny (C), Millie (L), and Calder (R) Guelnitz make it their first annual family trot.
C.J. Bray was the “Pace Turkey” who positioned herself about 100 yds in front of the start line.
Ready – Set – Go!
And they’re off!
The fastest Trotters were Edward Katz (L) and Magdalena Kuchman (R).
Photos courtesy of Abigail Furey.

And the big winner was the fundraising done by Holliston Youth Lacrosse. Congrats to all the trotters!

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