By Dianne Nault
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I filled the crock pot with chicken soup
I took an inventory of food in the freezer
And I baked banana bread
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I telephoned my 90-year-old aunt to say “I love you and take care.”
I wrote cheery notes to some friends out of state
And I texted with those closer to home
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I watched old movies on TV
I read books that were neglected on my bookshelf
And I sorted old family photos scattered in my desk drawers
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I walked outside to the mailbox just to feel the sun on my face
I hoped the cardinals at my birdfeeder were a good omen
And I smiled at the crocuses blooming by my door
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I learned about pandemics and the lack of medical supplies
I read about the number of cases here and the deaths in Italy
And I prayed that we would be able to “flatten the curve”
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I noticed that all those forget me nots I used to curse
had spread even more into the lawn and into my flowerbeds
And somehow they gave me comfort
While waiting for the other shoe to drop
I reminded myself that while we are not young, we are healthy
I listened to the advice on TV about staying away from crowds
And I told my children not to worry about us
While I know there are others so much worse off
I can’t stop worrying about when the other shoe will drop.
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Nice job, Diane. Stay safe!