The family enjoying the day on the trails in Holliston.
Hello Holliston,
My name is Karen Apuzzo Langton and I am running for re-election to the Planning Board. I am an experienced Planning Board member with 7 years of service to the Town of Holliston, a resident for 20+ years, and professionally I am high-school teacher. Throughout my time as a member of the board I have gained the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding of our town’s by-laws so that I am able to use them as a guide to the increasingly difficult decisions facing the board today.
My approach is to listen carefully to all parties asking to be heard when the applicant is seeking a permit to operate in our town. Prior to public hearings/meetings, I do the research on the applicant, the business model “use”, and read what residents send the board, follow up on their questions, gather facts through asking questions, and seek guidance when needed from relevant experts.
My extensive career in public education as a teacher of business and economics has been invaluable during public hearings. Teachers teach others daily, actively listen, engage in conversation, and are themselves lifelong learners. These skills blend well with the role of the planning board where every application is different and requires its own set of attention.
I have consistently followed a fair and open approach to each applicant by weighing the facts, the benefits and costs to Holliston, our by-laws, and Holliston’s Envisioning Future Strategic Plan. Not all decisions are easy, and it is impossible to make every application work. However, I come prepared to each meeting, work in collaboration with the other board members by reviewing and understanding detailed information throughout the process of considering the complexity of all applicants.
As a member of the Planning Board, I work to strike a balance between encouraging and supporting the growth our town needs while protecting Holliston’s natural resources, like our drinking water and of course the quality of life of all residents.
The current planning board has approved the projects that met the guidelines and purpose of the by-law; promote general health, safety, welfare, quality of life while preserving the historical and agricultural heritage of our community.
My perspective to Planning Board decisions is guided by the Smart Growth approach that compliments the Holliston Economic Development Committee’s mission to work, “proactively to promote, encourage, and facilitate the development of responsible and properly planned residential, commercial and industrial growth”.
Experience matters, vote for me so that we can continue to guide Holliston into the future.
Thank you,
Karen Apuzzo Langton candidate for re-election to the Planning Board.
Vote Tuesday, May 21, 2024
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