Meet the Candidate – Sarah Fitzgerald; School Committee

Sarah Fitzgerald

My name is Sarah Fitzgerald and I am a candidate for School Committee in the May 23, 2023 election. I have lived in Holliston for 16 years with my husband and three children (a 5th grader, 9th grader, and 10th grader). I grew up on the North Shore of Massachusetts, went to Fairfield University, and spent much of my career as a Management Consultant working on Information Technology projects for large corporations and government agencies. For the last 14 years I have been a stay-at-home parent and involved volunteer.

Holliston Public Schools have many facets that contribute to an excellent education. We are fortunate to have an incredible staff of educators who teach with passion, conviction, dedication, and care. Our teachers are the backbone of our schools. We need to continue to work to make Holliston a place that retains and attracts talented teachers and staff to ensure academic success for our students. During the pandemic disruption, we saw how important it was for families and schools to work together for positive outcomes. I am hopeful for similar collaboration in the years ahead. Our district offers unique opportunities to students to help them learn and grow in ways that suit the individual; from our French Immersion, Montessori, and Traditional Elementary programs, the Personal, Local, Global focus at the Middle School, and classes, electives, and programs such as Service Learning and Global Citizens Programs at the High School, our students are challenged to be innovative and engaged thinkers.

For over 10 years I have served in numerous volunteer roles at the schools: room parent, library volunteer, administration search committee member, PTO volunteer coordinator, and since 2019, PTO President. Through my work with the PTO, I have been involved in various efforts at each school. I have coordinated student events such as the PreK/K Carnival at Placentino and school-wide dances at the Middle School. I have run the Back-to-School Breakfast and Teacher Appreciation Week for Holliston’s teachers and staff. Through our fundraising efforts we have provided grants to teachers to help support their learning initiatives. As part of the Community Education sub-committee of the PTO I have worked along with Holliston Youth and Family Services, Holliston Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC), Diverse Holliston, and the Holliston Director of SEI/DEI to develop and sponsor programs on topics supporting Holliston’s Safe and Supportive Schools initiatives. I’ve also worked to support and promote the town’s Safe Routes to School efforts. Collectively, these efforts have helped me better understand our students, get to know many teachers, and work along with our school administrators.

As part of the School Committee, I hope to build upon these efforts to further support our schools and students. I hope to address not only students’ academic excellence, but also support their social and emotional needs. I will strive to provide effective and clear communication between the community and all stakeholders, work to improve school culture, and endeavor to create safe and supportive schools for all.

I respectfully ask for your vote on May 23. I am eager to continue supporting our students, families, educators, and schools.

Thank you, Sarah Fitzgerald, 3 Quail Run

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