New FinCom Member Appointed and Much More

A joint meeting of the Holliston Select Board and Finance Committee was convened by Chairs John Cronin and Ken Szajda at 6:30pm – the FinCom using the remote participation provisions approved by the State legislature.  The purpose of the joint session was to interview and select a candidate for appointment to fill a vacancy on the FinCom.

FinCom Chair Dr. Ken Szajda (right) joins the regular Monday night crew for this joint session.

Left to Right above, Kevin Daigle, David DeStefano, and Cameron Rockett each submitted a letter of interest and credentials to be considered for the appointment to the Finance Committee.  Each candidate responded to the same questions from the Select Board Chair and various follow up questions from the Board and FinCom members present (live or via Zoom).  Each candidate exhibited financial knowledge and experience and a sincere commitment to serving the Town if selected.

The Select Board and FinCom Chairs thanked the candidates for volunteering to serve, citing that “volunteerism is what makes Holliston work.”

Ultimately, Kevin Daigle was nominated and selected by a vote of 7 yes, and 2 no.  Mr. Daigle is a BC grad in finance with an MBA from Babson and works as a civilian contractor for the US Air Force.  He is very excited to contribute to Holliston where he has just recently moved.

Congratulations Mr. Daigle and thank you for jumping right into town governance.

Introduction of Zoe Moreau, Drug Free Community Coordinator

Below, Youth and Family Services Director Jackie Winer (right back to camera) introduced Ms. Moreau (left) to the Board and community.

Ms. Moreau graduated from Roger Williams University with experience in public health and public policy, specializing in youth engagement.  She has worked with the tobacco-free efforts in Rhode Island (where she lives).

The Board welcomed Ms. Moreau and asked what her first priorities are: social media interaction has begun, growing the youth component of the Drug Free Community (DFC) task force.  Moreau believes that creating a fun environment begins the recruitment of youth to commit to the DFC work.

Director Winer pointed out that Ms. Moreau’s position is funded by the $625,000 DFC 5-year grant received by the Town.  The Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition (HDAAC) has been and will continue to be a key to acquiring and implementing the grant funding.

Host Community Agreement (HCA) Transfer Request for 72 Jeffrey Ave, Unit 2 – from Good Feels to Wyld

Below, Mr. Gabe Parton Lee, General Counsel for Wyld presented the company’s business plan using the slides that follow.

Wyld expects to have 30 – 40 employees at its Holliston location. Starting pay is $20 / hour with benefits and retirement plans.

Town Counsel Attorney Liz Lydon (below) drafted the HCA transfer document presented to the Board.

After Mr. Lee’s presentation and questions / comments from the Board, the Board unanimously approved the transfer of the HCA from Good Feels to Wyld as presented by Town Counsel.

At 7:50pm a Public Hearing was opened as provided in the Public Notice posted for this meeting.  Christine Cosby, representing Eversourse presented the request to bury 109 feet of conduit for a new road, January Lane, off Old Cart Path for 4 new houses.  The Holliston Deputy DPW Director Robert Walker stipulated in writing that the road by returned to its original condition following steps enumerated in Mr. Walker’s message. Ms. Cosby asked that the requirements be sent to her so that they can be directed to the proper department.  The Hearing was closed at 7:53pm.  The Board unanimously approved the request with the provisions outlined by Mr. Walker.

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Sparrell:  Trash pickup next week:  Monday 7/3 NORMAL; Tuesday No pickup; Wed – Sat; pickup delayed one day.
  • Mrs. Hein: None
  • Mr. Cronin: None
  • Public:
    • Islin Weaver reported trash was not picked up as scheduled last week and still not picked up despite calls to trash contractor Harvey.  Mr. Ahern will follow up.
    • Dr. Liz Theiler asked what the vehicle impact of the Wyld operation will be.  The Planning Board will meet with Wyld during the Special Permit process and determine the vehicle volume / types.
    • Keefe Bailey from Lowland Street does not believe that height restricting barriers will solve the large commercial vehicle problem. No solution will be effective until there are willing businesses and truck drivers who abide by the HCVE already in place.  Electronic map applications need to be updated to include the restrictions / potential blockage (like the Woodland Street bridge closure)
    • Paul Langton pointed out that the Lowland Industrial Park is the only such park that has more than one egress (others all enter / exit at one point onto a state numbered route – designed for heavy trucks).  He should be able to conduct his business from his home without the threat of losing critical utilities because truckers ignore posted signs.
    • Karen Langton pointed out that there is a weight restriction as part of the HCVE in place.  Commercial vehicles over 2.5 tons are excluded – regardless of height.  Woodland Street is closed at Lowland due to the bridge failure, adding to the problem.  The “Local Deliveries Only” aspect of the HCVE is routinely disobeyed.  Disobeying an HCVE is a violation of MGL Chapter 90 traffic regulations.  Residents want a “solution we don’t have to chase.”  Simple solution – shut down Lowland at the Rail Trail crossing.  She shared an example of a new sign she noticed today – “Woodland Street Detour at Lowland.”  She followed a motorist as they slowly tried to follow the detour and got to Fiske St. and didn’t know where to go and pulled over – at that point Mrs. Langton offered directions.  The signs currently in place add confusion.

Comments from the Town Administrator:  Mr. Ahern presented the following updates:

  • Applications for the Asst Fire Chief / EMS Director are closed.  The MRI Consulting firm screened the applications.  Those candidates who pass the screening will be interviewed by a panel of area Fire Chiefs (a similar process was recently used by HPD to successfully hire Lt. Barrett).
  • Proposed donating the remaining $5,000 from the State grant for our 300th to Celebrate Holliston a register 501c3 charitable organization for use in the coming year. The Board authorized Mr. Ahern to move ahead with this plan.

Select Board Goals & Liaison Assignments for FY2024

  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • Create a handbook for newly elected / appointed Board / Committee members.
    • Put Envision Future Holliston output (vision, strategic plan) into action across all Town entities.
    • Drive the transition of Holliston Ambulance from Basic Life Support certification to Advanced Life Support accreditation.
    • Review/update the spreadsheet he created while on the FinCom for budget development.
  • Mrs. Hein:
    • Support Youth and Family Services initiatives.
    • Improve traffic management in Holliston.
    • Improve / increase trail networks and accessibility.
    • Promote Economic Development for Holliston’s downtown – sewers, traffic.
    • Advancing Town priorities that will arise.
  • Mr. Cronin:
    • Finish what we start – accelerate closure for works in progress (Blair Square, 9 Green St., 20 Cross St, and Marshall Solar project)
    • Support the acquisition and work of a dedicated Economic Development Coordinator.
    • Prepare special act legislation to move to a Town Manager role for Holliston.
    • Support the 300th anniversary activities / events with necessary funding.

The members of the Board reviewed the list of liaison assignments and voted to approve the list as amended.  (Should be posted soon.)

Warrants: The Board unanimously approved the weekly accounts payable and payroll warrants totaling -> $808,290.30.

Board Business:  The Board took the following actions:

  • Deferred setting a date for the required Public Hearing related to any barrier at the Upper Charles Rail Trail Crossing on Lowland Street until input from traffic consultants McMahon Associates can be received during a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2023.
  • Appointed Wilston Johnston to the CPC (Open Space Rep.) through June 2025.  Mr. Johnston (below), a recent transplant to Holliston is looking forward to serving the Town in this way.
  • Approved an event permit for Car Show/Cruise nights June & July 4 to 7 258 Norfolk Street (Arcadian Farm)
  • Approved the FY2023 Year-End Budget Transfers as presented (below).
  • Approved the minutes of the April 24, 2023, meeting.

Other Business:

Mr. Cronin wished everyone a happy summer and reminded all that there will be no Select Board meeting next week – Happy July 4th! July 10, 2023, will be the next meeting of the Board.

Cronin also noted that Doreen Martel will be stepping in to become the publisher of the Holliston Reporter in the coming weeks.  He knows Doreen to be an active member of the Holliston Lions and welcomes her to her new role.  He thanked the Cains for their stewardship of this important local news outlet.

The meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.

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One thought on “New FinCom Member Appointed and Much More

  1. Good news for all Holliston residents, an Assistant Fire Chief will be hired to improve all of our health and safety. Looking forward to much needed improvements in our ambulance service. Bringing Holliston’s lagging, yes Holliston has only EMS service to ALS (advance life support) ambulance service the standard of the region.
    Holliston is almost daily (7 times week of June 9 -15 and 4 times in the week of June 16- 22) dependent upon the paramedics of other towns for the sick or injured of our town.
    This is a not a reflection the men and women who have only EMS training but on the leadership Holliston sorely needs.

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