Cleaning Up from the Storm?

Holliston Reporter

The Marshall Street Recycling Area Extends Hours

The Marshall Street Recycling Area will be open for its regular hours on Saturdays, that is 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  Additionally, the area will be open two Sundays—October 10 and October 18—from 8:00AM to 3:00 PM.

Just as a reminder, a recycling sticker is required to access the Marshall Street drop-off recycling area. A sticker can be obtained at the Treasurer s Office at Town Hall or onsite. A driver’s license and registration with a Holliston address is required.

From its website, a reminder of acceptable materials:

  • Leaf and yard waste
  • Metals
  • Cardboard
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Electronic Waste, note an additional $20 sticker is required for televisions, monitors, exercise equipment and ride on mowers.  Stickers can be purchased at the Treasurer’s Office at Town Hall and some locations that sell curbside trash stickers.  $20 Electronic Stickers are not available for purchase at the Recycling Center

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